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RE: Winter Theme Painting for/with Toddlers and Preschoolers

in Home Edders3 years ago

hah you're so cute!
Thank you for letting me know that, that's so so true! :) I love hive and I don't usually use social platforms. My facebook profile photo is old from a year now, also my instagram account. Stories on insta? What are those? :)) But you know....Sometimes I wish I could be more opened and now and then upload a photo or something but for some reason, that's not me. I can't be me on those social platforms.

It sounds strange even when I'm writting this because here on hive, I'm different. I like to share photos of myself and my thoughs, my stuff, my experiences. I wonder why is that. I guess is the coummunity here. Because we're open minded people, how I like to say it.

Btw, I did sleep like a baby. I also missed church for that reason but that sleep until 12 p.m. is what I needed! My batteries are fully charged for this week too, cause we have a lot on coming now that is my son's birthday so we want to keep it close just with the family, but you know how it is. There are some things to prepare in advance and so on.

Anyways, thanks for the reply! Sorry for my long one.


Awwww hahaha thanks. 😄

You never have to apologize to me for a long reply, I love reading my comments and I love having these ongoing conversations. 😉

That’s exactly it. A good friend of mine who just joined Hive said the same thing. After she wrote her introduction post she said she would have never shared that on Facebook. I think it’s the freedom to express yourself here and the acceptance and support of it. We don’t get that on other mediums as it’s always so judgmental and almost instant shutdown sometimes. I love the open arms feeling we have here.

I’m so glad you got your needed rest in. A recharge is always good to get.

Oh sweet! I hope your little one has such a fun birthday. We mainly do just small intimate gatherings with family and friends so I can definitely relate ~

I love to read my comments as well! I'm not sure if I missed one and didn't reply to it.

We're going to celebrate him this weekend, along with the family. I made him a birthday cake with Numberblocks cause he's in love with this show. Did you hear of these cute cubes? I though that maybe you did:D

I know that's going to be a lot of fun.

No I haven't heard of those but now curious and will look them up! 😄

All right! Please do! my son is in love with them. And actually it helped a lot to develop his amazing math skills.

The thing is that my son knew his letters A-Z and numbers up to 20 and arrange them from 1-20 A-Z at the age of 1 and 3 months. At the age of 1 and 8 months he started to write letters and numbers. He could wrote and draw all day long.

Before the age of two, he could write all numbers 1-100, 200, all letters. He memorized them, he wnew them in his sleep. He knew them in the logical way, not just from memory.
I can't describe in a few words the whole process and his development but you need to know that I didnt forced him with anything. He lead the path, I was only there to observe and support him in his own learning. He already reads (words of 3 4 letters, maybe 5-6 if there are many vocals).

He knows addition and subtraction, multiplication. He's three but for his age he knows math operations like a pro, 6-7 yrs old.

I'm telling you this not to show off (I'm not that mom who brag of how awesome its her kid. I actually dont like to talk about it because here in Romania you can't say this to anyone. They will hate you for it and they accuse me for pushing my son which is not true at all. He is a natural. I did nothing. He is asking for us to learn, especially numbers). Also, I always tried follow the kids, after Maria Montessori approach. I stand up for his interests and passions. Is it was for me, I would love him to be more interested in nature and sports. But his into science and math. so...:D

SO I mentioned about it because I'm sure that Numberblocks helped him develop his natural tendency for math. Plus, they are funny, with real world scenaries. I know you have kids, so maybe you found these useful.
Also his writting skills are above his age! btw, he first started to count at the age of one and a half. He had 6 broccoli in his plate and I heard him saying one two three foud five six. :D

Here's a picture of my son at the age of 1 and 3 months, making his first A.
