

Which part of the month?

She's a bull arab x catahoula, so she'll be a decent sized dog, possibly bigger than Tali (last big dog, who was a mastiff x staffy with enough ridgey to have a ridge).

Which part of the month?

THAT part of the month with PUPPPYYYY!! Or was there no other party of the month? 🤔 I'm pretty sure every comment you get will mention it. 😆

Well I hope she doesn't get big too soon, but when she does more pictures will definitely be needed. 😁

Ahh yep that makes sense XD That was the best part of the month after all.

She's already twice as big as when we got her x_x (I thought I was only slightly exaggerating but J says I'm not x_x) I'm kind of going really snap happy precisely for that reason though ^_^;