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RE: Our little daughter learns with daddy about coordinate system

Your daughter reminds me of my eldest daughter in a way. She also used to get bored quickly in school. She loved maths and science too and today she is doing her PhD in genetics and loving her research into Parkinson's disease via her fish models she created. Basically she does science experiments most of her days. 😆 Homeschooling turned out to be the best choice we could have made for her.

We too moved countries when my daughters were small (5 and 7). I never had anyone try to tell me I was bad for uprooting them from their home country, however, my in-laws found it hard when we left.

Why can't people just go anywhere in the world like the birds fly to somewhere warm in Africa when it's getting cold here...?

This made me smile. When I was a few years older than her I remember looking outside my classroom window at the birds and wondering why we weren't allowed to just go anywhere we pleased without passports and permissions, while birds could just fly wherever they wanted to.


Hi, nice to meet you.

why we weren't allowed to just go anywhere we pleased without passports and permissions, while birds could just fly wherever they wanted to.

Exactly... unfortunately, that would remain a dream :).

Basically she does science experiments most of her days. 😆 Homeschooling turned out to be the best choice we could have made for her.

It might be the better choice for ours as well, we'll see how things develop later. We'll just try to provide her the best we could offer.
At least in the Philippine we have the options to do so, if she wishes to study at home.

We too moved countries when my daughters were small (5 and 7). I never had anyone try to tell me I was bad for uprooting them from their home country,

Well..why must we see it so negatively anyway?!
Travelling the world...learning about another cultures personally etc is a very precious experience that is fact...even a privilege for most people. The children will have broader mind instead.
Such experience can't be valued with money.

however, my in-laws found it hard when we left.

That's understandable... Letting go of children would always be hard to accept for every parents :).
My parent had it hard as well when I decided to move to Germany for my husband. Now it's my in-law who has to deal with the same feeling.
It's not an easy decision, but everyone has a choice to make afterall 😊.
Anyway I believe that for our child, wherever its parent are is home.
She would feel happy as long as we're there for her.

Anyway I believe that for our child, wherever its parent are is home.

Yes, this is absolutely the truth. The move is more stressful for the parents than it is for the children. For them it's just an adventure. 😆

I hope your move goes smoothly and you settle in well in the Philippines. I'm sure you've seen @Romeskie's posts here on her homeschooling experiences there. They seem to have a lot of good options.

Thank you for the well wishes. Yes,I knew @romeskie . I learnt some interesthing at her blog. It's useful for sure :).

Exactly... unfortunately, that would remain a dream :).

Sometimes, if you try and fight long enough for your aims, dreams might come true in the end ...