Lil Bloke learns to play soccer

in Home Edders3 years ago


Good day @homeedders hope you're all having a wonderful time in Australia well more so Victoria all restrictions are now removed so life is some what back to normal and freedom is great. For us it's been back to the field playing soccer and what a world of difference there is on the field. Prior to restrictions lil bloke came along and watched from the side lines much of it he was asleep through.

But now after training with lil miss he wants to get into the game and play also which shows that learning through doing is a far greater way to learn something.


We're still not standing up but each day we practice a bit more with it and have standing time as he can stand aided and he can also crawl but he more chooses not to and rather bum shuffles.

But he has been training with little miss throughout lockdown and he has learned how to play soccer on his bottom. It is the cutest thing that when we attended soccer practice last weekend he insisted on playing too.

We couldn't get on the field while the big kids were training as he would have been at risk of being stampled on so we waited for the game to be over.


Once the older kids had come to a close and were discussing game play as they are now moving to team vs team and they're putting the girls Vs boys which has been an interesting game to watch. It's amazing how kids are all equal at that age, all learning to play and grow together.


Once they nicked off the field lil bloke and I were joined by the coaches for some one on one soccer and of course lil bloke surprised everyone with his skill and manoeuvrability in being able to control the ball and score goals!

He'd been practising with little miss for so long that he knew exactly what was going on and at only 1 years old was an absolute all star for a bum suffling goal kicking player!

It just goes to show that at now matter what age or ability engaging with others is the best way to learn!


Haha too cute!
My youngest always tries to join my older sons soccer game as well.

It was a challenge getting him to sit still on the side lines until the game ended. But we prevailed and than he got to play

I think Lil Bloke is going to be sporty like Lil Miss (^_^)

Haha yeah! He is always trying to copy his big sister it's so cute

 3 years ago  Reveal Comment