Mi Lapbook

in Home Edders3 months ago

Mi Lapbook
Proyecto de vida

My Laptop Life Proyect
Es un libro infantil que pude realizar con ayuda de mi mama para presentar mi proyecto final de grado, usamos diferentes texturas, imágenes variadas, pestañas que abren y cierran, cartulinas, escarchas y usando mi creatividad pude desarrollar la información de uno de los Estados de Venezuela mas grande y con mayor riquezas como lo que es el Estado Bolívar.
It is a children's book that I was able to make with the help of my mother to present my final degree project, we used different textures, varied images, tabs that open and close, cardboard, glitter and using my creativity I was able to develop the information of one of the States of Venezuela is bigger and richer than the Bolívar State.




inicie con la portada de mi Trabajo, usando materiales sencillos como cartulinas escolares lisa, metalizada para hacerle las manitas y corrugada para las estrellitas, en la investigación de lo que era el Estado Bolívar, una de sus tradiciones era el baile de joropo en zonas cercanas a los llanos de Venezuela, por esa razón me gusto la idea de hacerle la semejanza de un llanerito en la portada.
I started with the cover of my Work, using simple materials such as smooth school cardboard, metallic to make the hands and corrugated for the little stars, in the investigation of what the Bolívar State was, one of its traditions was the joropo dance in nearby areas to the plains of Venezuela, for that reason I liked the idea of ​​making the likeness of a plainsman on the cover.





Ya mi Lapbook iba tomando forma pero aun así no me gustaba, sentía que le faltaba algo y quería que quedara muy bonito, por lo que decidí elaborar unas alpargatas que son un tipo de calzado típico de mi país usado por los campesinos de la región y las tribus goajiras, las use mucho en mis bailes escolares son bastante ligeras y cómodas.
My Lapbook was already taking shape but I still didn't like it, I felt that something was missing and I wanted it to be very pretty, so I decided to make some espadrilles that are a type of typical footwear from my country used by the farmers of the region and The Goajira tribes, I used them a lot in my school dances, they are quite light and comfortable.




Luego comencé a trabajar en la parte de adentro donde va plasmada toda mi investigación, cada texto lo coloque en divisiones plegables, usando diversas tonalidades, pegamentos, colores y sobres, cada niño es libre de colocarle las imagenes y detalles visuales que mas le guste, de nuestra creatividad dependerá lo llamativo que quede nuestro libro. Fue un trabajo muy divertido y lleno de colores.
Then I began to work on the inside where all my research is captured, I placed each text in folding divisions, using different shades, glues, colors and envelopes, each child is free to place the images and visual details that they like the most. How striking our book is will depend on our creativity. It was a very fun and colorful job.





Your project is lovely, thank you for the idea, maybe some of us can use it someday, if we'll be assigned to do a project.

Also, just in case you didnt know, there is another community for crafts here om hive. Maybe you'll do some morr crafts and consider fits best in there. The community is called Hive DIY.