[Esp-Eng] Estrategia para aprender a sumar llevando // Strategy for learning to add by carrying

in Home Edders4 years ago
Saludos queridos amigos de Home Edders.

Cuando nuestros niños se enfrentan a las matemáticas por primera vez puede resultar una experiencia complicada y frustrante ya que hay algunos conceptos son un poco abstractos aún para ellos, pero podemos tratar de hacerlas divertidas para que se sientan motivados a aprender.

Greetings dear friends of Home Edders.
When our children face mathematics for the first time it can be a complicated and frustrating experience because some concepts are still a bit abstract for them, but we can try to make it fun and enjoyable so that they feel motivated to learn.

sumar dos cifras1.jpg

Y cuando ya han comprendido el concepto de sumar dos números de una cifra, es hora de iniciarlos en otro tipo de ejercicios matemáticos más complicados, y por eso es mejor buscar algunas estrategias que nos ayuden a enseñarles estos conceptos de forma más sencilla y amena.

And when they have already understood the concept of adding two numbers of one digit, it is time to start them in other more complicated mathematical exercises, and that is why it is better to look for some strategies that help us to teach them these concepts in a simpler and more enjoyable way.

Por eso hoy quiero compartir con ustedes un par de ideas para que nuestros niños aprendan a sumar de forma divertida dos números de dos cifras con llevadas. El caso de sumar llevando puede resultar un poco difícil de entender, ya que empezamos aprendiendo cifras pequeñas, fáciles de contar con los dedos, con granos o bolitas de otro material, pero cuando se suman dos números de dos cifras, las decenas debemos añadirlas al número siguiente, y esta es una operación que los niños pueden tardar un poco en aprender. Particularmente mi hijo se preguntaba porque ese número se queda como perdido, ya que al principio le decía que debía guardarlo en su mente o tenerlo en los dedos para esperar añadirlo al sumar las siguientes cifras.

That is why today I want to share with you a couple of ideas for our children to learn how to add two two-digit numbers in a fun way. The case of adding by carrying can be a little difficult to understand, since we start learning small numbers, easy to count with our fingers, with grains or balls of other material, but when we add two two-digit numbers, the tens must be added to the next number, and this is an operation that children can take a while to learn. In particular, my son wondered why that number was lost, since at first I told him that he had to keep it in his mind or have it in his fingers and hope to add it when adding the next digits.

Entonces, si al principio les resulta difícil esta idea de retener un número en la mente para añadirlo después, lo mejor es entonces explicarlo de manera más representativa y si es como un juego mucho mejor.

So, if at the beginning it is difficult for them to retain a number in their minds to add it later, the best thing to do is to explain it in a more representative way, and if it is like a game, so much the better.

Tablero para sumar llevando / Board to add up carrying

Recuerdo que buscando ideas encontré algo similar en instagram, y decidí recrearlo y ponerlo en práctica.

I remember that looking for ideas I found something similar on instagram, and I decided to recreate it and put it into practice.


Es básicamente un tablero con círculos donde colocaremos fichas con números que representaran las cifras a sumar, pero hay una posición que nos indica a donde debe moverse la decena que se añadirá a la siguiente operación.

It is basically a board with circles where we will place chips with numbers that represent the figures to be added, but there is a position that indicates where the ten that will be added to the next operation should be moved.

Luego solo debe anotar el resultado y despejar el tablero para la siguiente operación. De este modo nuestro niño puede visualizar más claramente este concepto de sumar llevando, y no es un número que se queda perdido por ahí esperando ser sumado en otro lugar. Esta tablero está elaborado con una cartulina blanca entre dos lamina de acetato para que dure un poco, y para las fichas reciclamos parte de una caja de cartón.

Then just write down the result and clear the board for the next operation. In this way our child can visualize more clearly this concept of adding by carrying, and it is not a number that is lost out there waiting to be added somewhere else. This board is made with white cardboard sandwiched between two sheets of acetate to make it last a little longer, and we recycled part of a cardboard box for the counters.

La columna de la llevada / The column of the carried

Cuando ya han comprendido el concepto de sumar llevando podemos simplificar el sistema dibujando cuadriculas donde escribir las cifras que se van a sumar, dejando un cuadrado para colocar la cifra que se lleva, para que no la olviden sin la necesidad del tablero o de que estén haciendo algún gesto con los dedos, solo debemos instarles a que coloquen ese número encima de la columna de las cifras que recibirán la llevada, para que lo puedan a agregar a la suma de esa columna. Solo necesitamos un poco de color para que no lo olviden.

When they have already understood the concept of adding by carrying we can simplify the system by drawing squares where to write the numbers to be added, leaving a square to place the number to be carried, so that they do not forget it without the need of the board or that they are making some gesture with their fingers, we must only urge them to place that number above the column of the numbers that will receive the carried, so that they can add it to the sum of that column. We just need a little color so they don't forget it.


Bueno amigos, como vemos, con un poco de papel, cartón, colores e iniciativa podemos elaborar algunas estrategias amenas para que nuestros niños adquieran sin frustraciones conceptos matemáticos más complejos que necesitaran en la escuela y en su día a día. Espero que les haya gustado esta idea y compartan las que ustedes utilizan.

Well friends, as we can see, with a little bit of paper, cardboard, colors and initiative we can elaborate some fun strategies for our children to acquire without frustration more complex mathematical concepts that they will need at school and in their daily life. I hope you liked this idea and share the ones you use.

Gracias por pasar a leer, hasta la próxima! / Thanks for reading, see you next time!

Todas las imagenes son de mi autoría, realizadas con mi cámara Fujifilm finepix 4500S / All images are my own, taken with my Fujifilm finepix 4500S camera.

Really impressive is the first time I see that board, really a wonderful strategy I wish it had existed when I was a child my math learning would have been really productive and not as frustrating as you rightly point out. Sometimes in school they make us think that math is a serious thing and that no one has fun with it but you have shown with these strategies and those in your other post that it is certainly possible to make learning math something fun. Thanks for sharing this excellent strategy. Congratulations.

Hi @majo77, I think today there are no excuses for not making math fun, you can find many resources to use, too bad that previously that was the approach, that you could not have fun learning math. Greetings and thanks for stopping by to read!

That calculator with the number discs is a really clever idea! I could have used something like that when my kids were learning how to carry 10s.

I wish it had been a learning tool when I was learning how to carry 10s XD

Certainly at our time there were no such creative strategies haha, luckily there are more resources for our children, I think your kids would have liked it but you sure taught them well.

This is a great way that I can use to teach my son about adding numbers when the time comes. He is still four years old, and if this pandemic still renders school to be online I will be forced to teach him one on one. It's a good thing that Home Edders is a very good community that I can count on when the time comes.

Greetings friend, sure, it is a good strategy that you can use, my son found it useful. And as you say, thanks to the pandemic we had to teach him to add, in another post I put some strategies to start with single digit numbers, and certainly in the community you will find many more ideas that you can use at the time.

Excellent strategy and very well developed in addition to a detailed explanation of how to make the board and its application, it is noted that it is much easier for children to learn well, really for me it was a bit complicated when I learned to add carrying but with this strategy definitely makes learning much easier, especially if our children are visual and kinesthetic both serves them because it allows them to participate in the process. Congratulations very well done.

Hello @emiliomoron, Your publication has been voted by Edu-venezuela. Your post will carry over to other curation projects for more voting support. Keep up the good work!

Many thanks friends!

That's a really clever strategy. We used to just make little notations, but it can get messy.

Thanks my friend! That's right, writing down the number to take next to the sheet can be messy and hard to understand, but this way you can see the process better.

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