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RE: We Joined a Homeschool Co-Op! Thanks to Hive for Providing Our Tuition Funds!

in Home Edders4 years ago

Hi there @sindetalles! It's so good to hear from you.

It has definitely been challenging homeschooling our children. There are many joyful and happy moments but there are also tough times when I have ended the day in tears. The most challenging thing was finding out my kids don't learn the same and some need more attention and guidance than others. I am glad to have taken on this role of their teacher to be able to adapt my teaching for their needs and allow them to move at their own pace which is a more natural learning experience.

Thanks for admiring what I do. ☺️ I wouldn’t change it for anything, I love having these opportunities.

Oh wow look at that! I’m glad I could mention it here. In case you haven’t ran across this yet, here is a quick guide that explains what it’s about. 😉

Thank you for the visit and for always leaving a warming response ~ 🌼