Learning Technology Successes

in Home Edders3 months ago

Hi fellow Hiveians,

Today I wanted to talk about how inspiring it is to see the expansion of remote learning when we need it!


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Learning Technology Successes

Technology is a wonderful thing in a lot of ways, when we use it appropriately!


I'm writing this as I'm sitting next to my son who is doing a virtual class with one of his tutors. It's really incredible to think of what has led to this being a widespread and possible thing. One of the best things to come out of the absolute fiasco of 2020 was the expansion of remote learning options into daily options!

I don't normally love the idea of him using technology for these types of things, because children at these younger years need to make sure that their life is focused primarily on paper and in-person instead of virtually. There are a lot of benefits to that compared to the virtual stuff.

There are situations however like this where because he isn't feeling the best, but not necessarily bad enough where we would have to cancel the lesson altogether, we opted for a virtual tutoring session. This is where technology and homeschooling really take off in a lot of ways!


We tried full-time homeschooling last year and the year before and due to various circumstances that I don't want to necessarily add here, we opted for regular in-person school instead, although in a private setting. This is a good thing for him and us so we can get him over the hump of these things and where he needs to be. Eventually I think we will go back to full-time homeschooling.

With the homeschooling and private schooling though, we've maintained a great tutoring company for my son and that's really paid off in spades. In the times where we were exclusively homeschooling, we would use them to supplement for styles and strategies that we weren't the best at and I think this combination worked really well. We tried other tutoring programs as well but they weren't a good fit, so having this one is remarkable for sure.

Combining that with being able to do the lessons either at their in-person facility which we do 99% of the time, having the choice to do a remote session in a circumstance like this is really important.

This is where I know that technology is really an important part of this whole picture. We could have done these things 10 or 15 years ago, but they were certainly more difficult than they are today. With how much technology has progressed, it is really interesting that people still say homeschooling is shit. They always use the ridiculous "socialization" line which is comical at the end of the day.

My son has learned more bad habits at the schools we've sent him to than he's ever learned before. He's a great kid but he's also easily influenced by his peers and has brought home some pretty unfortunate behaviors. We are more in-tune with him than other parents, we would like to think, so we immediately knew where these behaviors came from. So much for the "socialization" of our kids into being better, eh?

We are going to be using this remote option a little bit more in the coming months, especially when we are doing some traveling for some various activities we need to partake in. Having this option to continue his tutoring is going to be a really awesome thing so we don't lose progress!


What about you, do you utilize options like this to supplement your kids learning experience? Let me know in the comments!

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Obviously, I am a big fan of public schools, but the way the government forces teachers to focus on standardized testing doesn't make it easy for them to differentiate instruction for students that learn differently than other ones.

Yeah forcing everyone into a box is not really in the kids best interest. Sadly there's so many issues in the world and the education system is such a big one that it's hard to get it straightened out. Anything the government does ends up being corrupted which is really difficult to experience. We could apply some of the other school methods from a government standpoint but then it would likely end up where it's at now.

How do we fix it? That's the hardest question of all!

I think we need to stop standardized tests for one. They had their day, but kids learn differently now and the topics aren't quite as relevant. There are some things that you definitely need to know, but throwing such a broad net is always going to be problematic.

Everytime I read your post about parenting, I go "father of the year"! Dude, seriously, I want to be a parent like you when I get there. Truly inspiring how much you care for your son and how attentive and observant you are of different aspects of his growth.

I just paused to think of homeschooling for a sec, and boy, how do you do it? How do you know how to pace, how to test their understanding (this should be easy as a teacher, but why I think it won't be in this case is because you're not just being a teacher, you're also being a parent, and might be swayed by parental judgements or whatever).

I certainly have my moments, as all parents do. I saw a really touching and powerful meme a few years ago that struck a chord with me. "When I was growing up, I didn't realize it but I was watching my parents grow up too." That hit me! It's so true, we have kids and we are, if we are a good person, instantly thrust into the most important thing we are on the planet for. We are growing up right along side the little ones! Parenthood is no joke and changes you so much, in mostly good ways.

Jobs come and go but being a parent is the only thing that matters. It's so important that we try our best and know that we will mess up but it's how we course correct that is the really important part.

You'll be a great dad one day man! I think you're doing the right stuff just try not to wait too long to have kids. It's the most wonderful thing to experience. It's stressful as hell but it's also so invigorating. Becoming a parent at a good age is a big help - not too young but not too old. Before 30 is a good age for a man for the first one so you have plenty of energy left. It's not impossible at later years but it's not as easy.

Home schooling isn’t easy but once you get the basics like reading, writing and math then the other parts are a little easier. We had big challenges with those building blocks but we are on a much better path now because of the monumental efforts my wife has made to get things straightened out.