Our Homeschool Diary: "Let There Be Light"

in Home Edders2 years ago


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Hello, Home Edders! Has it really been 25 days since I last posted here? Hmmm... homeschooling three kids really is a struggle but yeah, life goes on.

With my two younger learners aged one year apart, I try to schedule the same lessons for each of them albeit still approaching them differently. They have very different learning styles and abilities. They say, "do not compare your children", but really, can we not?

I do take note of their differences and take that as my weapon as I tackle my role as a mom and as their teacher.

Light Moments

Anyway, while it is challenging and a definite character-tester for all of us, we always get light moments in our little homeschool to clear the air. There are definitely times when I get into a monster mode, that is, despite the reminder of my eldest to always take a deep breath and be patient. Hey, they do know how to spread my patience thin.

Regardless, I have to really give credit to my youngest's sense of humor. Legit - he can have a future as a comedian. Sooo natural.

Arts is also one way for us to de-stress. (Painting by Little Miss)

Carnivore... Herbivore... Omnivore...

It just really got me cracking up so hard one day we were studying about animals. We do know animals that eat only meat are carnivores, while those that eat only plants are herbivores, and those that eat both are omnivores...

But then, they looked out and saw our pet bunnies...

"Mommy, Cookie and Bun-Bun eat anything! They eat plants and they also eat the dust that we just swept from the floor!" they said.

"They are everyvores because they eat everything!"

LOL. I died.


One night, the Little Man and I were walking to the nearby restaurant to buy food. We had some nice chit-chat and along the way, I also had the chance to test him about some simple questions.

Living things, or non-living things?! Easy-peasy! Oh, cars a non-living things even though they move because they are not really alive. Humans make them move. okay. okay...

God-Made or Man-Made?

We just spiced up the conversations a bit and went to this topic.

Cars? Man-made.
Water falls? God-made.
Table? Man-made.
Mountains? God-made.
Animals? God-made.
Clothes? Man-made.

I was just going random here. Anything I could think of, or what I could see around me...

Hmmm, what about lights?

"God-made!" he said.

Huh? I stopped for a while. How come? I looked and pointed at the bright lights at the buildings in front of us.

"Mommy, remember? AND GOD SAID, "LET THERE BE LIGHT!" and then there was light."

Yay. Why didn't I think of that?! LOL.

Remember Your Purpose

Again, as I end this post, I remind myself -- and you even - when things get tough in the homeschool, think about why we started this journey. We wanted to be intentional in our children's learning and be there along side them as they mold their individualities and characteristics.

There will be times when we will question whether we are in the right path. There will be times when we will be urged to compare... but isn't that what we wanted to achieve? Each one of them is their own person, a unique individual beyond compare.

Find time to go back to basics - make it simple. Sit back, relax and learn at each child's comfortable phase. We are not racing with anyone. Always remember, some times we have to take things lightly but keep moving. Never stop learning.

How about you, what do you do when things get out of hand in your homeschool?

Cover image: Little Miss' random doodle.

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Regardless, I have to really give credit to my youngest's sense of humor. Legit - he can have a future as a comedian. Sooo natural.

I wish my son could also have a comedian sense of humor, in that way he can make a friendly ambiance whenever he went (when he grows up)

I don't know, but my youngest has the Pinoy humor. Even my father noticed that when we go back in PH for a few weeks holiday. My other two are more into American jokes and stuff like that.

"Let there be light!" Lol, I love it. Very appropriate to this theme too.

When I first started homeschooling I was still in school mode and it took me a while to get out of that and learn to become more fluid. Eventually my approach when I got stressed was to stop, take a moment and decide whether to continue with a different approach or whether that even really mattered at that point. I got better over time at not getting so easily stressed and just trying other approaches.

We used to enjoy the educational type conversations during the journey to places too. I think parents automatically teach their children in this way anyway, but when we choose to homeschool we are slightly more intentional or aware of it.

I am also starting to just let it be when the air gets tensed already. I guess it goes down to what really works and when. Sometimes no matter how I push, it just doesn't happen. But also, I want them to have more sense of responsibility that if ever they will have to go into the system in the future (which I hope we won't have to) they will also not have a hard time coping up.

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