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RE: [ESP / ENGL] One, two, three... how many mother tongues?

in Home Edders4 years ago

Thank you for sharing your thoughts and memories! I want to share some of mine.

You used the term "forced migration". That led me to think want kind of forces are there. My grandfather was forced to migrate from today's Poland back to his mother in Berlin by the Red Army and then to Lower Saxony by the Wehrmacht. Now I think how fortunate it is to be forced on economic terms and not on warfare terms. Anyway I don't want to match those two. I have to tell lots of stories of migration in my own biography. I'm just not sure who is gonna write it.

The next thing I want to share is Harriet Pattison's work. She studied how people learn to read. And I am sure this is true for listening.

Then in 2006, with minor English skills, I visited Northern America und in 2010, way in my 30ies, I got surrounded virtually by a group of international people speaking, listening, writing and reading in English. Both incidents still feel like adding a second language to my tongue. Let's name this my travel's tongue. LOL The point I wanted to make here is, that I changed my attitude towards live by adding another language is this intensity.

So I suppose all this is not a matter of age but of patience and milieu. So migration definitely is a factor!

Great you see the plus side of it! So yes, LOVE is the most valuable message here!!

I'm late to vote, but not too late. I suppose it is to late for @tipu curate , but hey, let's give it a try. And then there is !ENGAGE 20 !invest_vote !WINE !JUICE !PUREWATER !FRESHAIR and maybe everyone even finds your writings on soon. Take care!


Ohhh, what an energizing and beautiful comment. I think it's great that you told me part of the story of forced migration due to the war your grandfather had to experience. Without a doubt, the end of the Second War and the devastation carried out by the Red Army in that part of Europe was not easy, since they did many excesses. In the case of my people, it is not only the economic aspect that motivates people to emigrate, but the complete destruction of the country, the institutional anomie, the lack of a future, the absolute impunity and the lack of a social contract that currently exists; the fact that irregular and terrorist groups govern portions of our territory at their convenience; all this has exterminated the future of people, especially the youngest, and hence the need to migrate.

Regarding what you say about language learning as adults, certainly a cultural and social environment that puts you or forces you to communicate in that new language is a fundamental part of learning; However, in this post I wanted to emphasize how important it is to learn other languages ​​during the window stage or critical period, because not only do you learn the language implicitly, but you can think in that language. In the case of my granddaughters, the youngest lives in environments where the language is Portuguese, but at home it is Spanish, so its mixture, but it is still very small, I know that little by little it will demarcate the two languages. The oldest of my granddaughters, she already spoke and wrote Spanish perfectly when migrating, and now she has been given Portuguese and English, so it is possible that they have several mother tongues.

I appreciate your invitation to that platform, I already signed up and I hope to share new content there as well. And this week I will read the article that you have shared with me on how to learn to read, one of the most complex and most important processes for humans. I am grateful for your deference, thanks for stopping to read and comment. Greetings and blessings.

Ohhh, que comentario tan energizante y hermoso. Me parece genial que me hayas comentado parte de la historia de migración forzada debido a la guerra que tuvo que experimentar tu abuelo. Sin duda alguna no fue fácil el final de la Segunda Guerra y el arrase que llevó a cabo el Ejército Rojo en esa parte de Europa, ya que hicieron muchos desmanes. En el caso de mi pueblo, no es sólo el aspecto económico lo que motiva a la gente emigrar, sino la destrucción completa del país, la anomia institucional, la falta de futuro, la absoluta impunidad y falta de contrato social que existe actualmente; el hecho de que grupos irregulares y terroristas gobiernen a su conveniencia porciones de nuestro territorio; todo eso ha exterminado el futuro de las personas, especialmente de las más jóvenes, y de allí la necesidad de migrar.

Con respecto a lo que dices del aprendizaje de los idiomas ya estando adultos, ciertamente un entorno cultural y social, que te ponga o te obligue a comunicarte en ese nuevo idioma, es una parte fundamental de su aprendizaje; sin embargo, en este post quise recalcar lo importante que es el aprender otros idiomas durante la etapa de ventana o período crítico, porque no sólo aprendes el idioma de manera implícita, sino que puedes pensar en ese idioma. En el caso de mis nietas, la más pequeña vive en ambientes en donde el idioma es el Portugués, pero en casa es Español, por eso su mixtura, pero aún está muy pequeña, sé que poco a poco irá deslindando los dos idiomas. La más grande de mis nietas, ya hablaba y escribía perfectamente el Español a la hora de migrar, y ahora le ha tocado con el Portugués y el Inglés, por lo que es factible que tengan varias lenguas maternas.

Agradezco tu invitación a esa plataforma, ya me inscribí y espero compartir contenido inédito por allí también. Y esta semana leeré el artículo que me has compartido de cómo se aprende a leer, uno de los procesos más complejos y más importante para los humanos. Estoy agradecida de tu deferencia, gracias por pasar a leer y comentar. Saludos y bendiciones.