Out of Their League - Part 1/7 (D&D story)

in Scholar and Scribe4 months ago (edited)

Hello, Everyone!

Welcome to the next chapter of my dear Mary Windfiddle’s story! Last we left off, we just finished our conversation with Francesca Findabair and her charge, the freaking Silver dragon Ederacius who poses as the Boy Emperor Edmund Bright. Lady Francesca gave us a few tasks (simple things – visit the library, kill a dragon…) and our heroes went back to the city below. Just before landing, they witnessed the rise of the Devoted – Francesca Findabair’s personal army, climbing out of the sea and starting to patrol the streets.

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The griffons landed outside the Lavore residence and let the group dismount. They informed them that they were at their services until the evening on the next day, and flew off.

“You!” an angry voice sounded from the street.

Kendrick, the young bard who was courting Reina, stood on the sidewalk, fists clenched and hair dishevelled. He’d obviously spent quite some time waiting at that one fountain.

“Are you her new intended?” he shouted. He was glaring at Aurum.

Aurum gave him a once-over and smirked.

“I’ve always been her intended,” he said.

“You… you have to FIGHT for her!” Kendrick screamed, throwing a glove in Aurum's face. “I CHALLENGE you!”

He drew a thin rapier and took a fighting stance. Some passersbys saw the commotion and gathered around, expecting a good show. Mr. Lavore appeared in one of the high windows of his residence with his mouth curled in a thin smile.

Aurum rolled his eyes but stepped towards the boy.

“Please don’t kill him!” Mary whispered. Kendrick looked so small and pathetic compared to their bard.

“Eh!” Bruno chuckled. “If he does, I’ll just revive the dumbass.”

Kendrick thrust his blade forward, with a well practised motion. However, that was all he was able to do. Aurum pointed in his direction and spoke a single word, striking him with his Hold Person spell. Kendrick gave out a small whine and toppled on the ground, paralyzed.

Aurum gave out a long sigh, picked the boy up and dragged him away to a nearby trash can. He put him down next to it and kneeled above him, speaking something in a quiet voice. Then, he stood up and released his spell.

Kendrick scrambled back, anger and embarrassment burning in his eyes.

“You’ll pay for that!” he screamed, and ran away.

Some scattered applause passed through the gathered people and they started walking away. They were probably expecting more of a show.

“My hero!” Reina chirped, hanging herself on Aurum’s forearm. “Strong, fast, AND merciful!”

Mary rolled her eyes. Aurum grinned, as if this had been a real challenge.

“So, anyway,” Agatha said. “Where are we eating? I’m starving.”


They decided to stay at Reina’s home. Mary wasn’t too enthused about the prospect, but the others were eager to spend some time in luxury.

Also, Mr. Lavore had insisted.

“We shouldn’t offend our host,” Bruno said. “Plus, it’ll be cheaper than if we tried to rent a room or something.”

They were accommodated in a spacious guest room with multiple beds and a small cupboard in the corner, filled with snacks and fancy drinks. After they left their stuff in there, they were invited to dine with their hosts.

The dining room was enormous, as was everything else in this palace of a home. The long table could sport dozens of guests in the best of times, but they were all seated in one of the ends, close enough to be able to speak.

Bruno and Mr. Lavore got it off pretty well. They talked about trade and real estate (which was their host’s main livelihood), as well as any possible business opportunities in Zerakas tol for Bruno’s mechanical gadgets.

However, Reina’s first words about her father wouldn’t get out of Mary’s mind. ‘To him’, she’d said, ‘Erathos being in peril would be a good thing.’ What could that mean?

“Are your properties only in Zerakas tol?” she asked the host.

“No, not at all,” he said. “I have houses and land in Pamagos and Frinkeltong as well.”

“Then, I wonder,” Mary continued. “If there was a war or a natural disaster in the West, would you consider providing the possible refugees with temporary shelters?”

“If Lady Findabair wills it,” he said. “She’s the one who would have to give out such orders, and if she does, it would behove us to carry it out.”

The conversation shifted to the Devoted and their appearance in the city. It turned out that the last time that’d happened was about eight years ago, when a Kraken emerged from the depths and tried to destroy the city.

While Mr. Lavore was telling the story, Mary suddenly found it very hard to concentrate. She felt a familiar tingle on her scalp, as if something was trying to attract her attention. She wrapped her fingers around the spine of her Book of Shadows and her heart started beating faster. Gillean was calling for her!

“... become a Devoted?” Bruno’s words brought her back to reality.

“Oh, yes. It’s a great honour!” Mr. Lavore said. “I myself will become one after I pass.”

“Wait, how does that happen?” Mary said.

Mr. Lavore explained that the Devoted were their own form of Undead. They were somehow different from the ghouls and zombies Mary had already seen; but they were undead, nevertheless. Even though they seemed to be welcomed in the city, she felt a certain resentment about the whole idea.

“It’s completely consensual!” Mr. Lavore said, as if reading her mind. “You give your blessing and a ritual is performed while you’re still alive, to prepare your body for the ascension. And when you die, you continue serving the City.”

“Does everybody here become a Devoted?”

“Not really. Some people would like to be buried. They worry that their families would get upset if they saw them like that.”

Mary had a sudden flashback to her mother and father’s bodies lying in their coffins, ready to be reanimated by Kloth. She shuddered. It was such an unnatural thing to have as a city’s defence!

“What about the souls of the people?” she said. “Are they trapped like that for eternity?”

“Not at all!” Mr. Lavore exclaimed. “They pass on like they’re supposed to. It’s only the body that remains in service to the City.” He stroked his chin. “It’s a great honour!”

“What about people from outside of Zerakas tol?” Agatha said. “Can they be Devoted?”

Mary was suddenly taken out of the conversation again. The pull on her scalp intensified, as Gillean clearly insisted on having her attention. She excused herself and headed out into the corridor.

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So, today we learned a bit more about the Devoted. Which, honestly, doesn't make them less creepy.

But, on the other hand, Gillean is calling for Mary! He's been missing for almost the whole of Arc 5, I wonder if he's alright.

What do you think? What did he do? (wrong answers only!)

See you next time!
Take care and be well!

Episodes of Mary Windfiddle's story come out every Monday and Thursday.
(Also, here's a link to the Chapter Guide, the Glossaries (Part 1 and Part 2)
and the Map for the series. You're welcome!)

An important disclaimer: Mary Windfiddle's story is my notes from a D&D game turned into a narrative. All the worldbuilding and NPC encounters belong to our DM, and all the actions of the other main characters (Aurum, Bruno and Agatha) belong to my co-players. My contribution to the story is only everything Mary-related (actions, reactions, inner thoughts), as well as the writing itself.


A very entertaining chapter, like the duel for the love of the queen and the story of the devotees. Very pleasant to read works of fantasy with so many surprising elements.

Thanks for sharing.

Excellent day.