grocko's Picks | Mid July 2024

in Scholar and Scribe8 months ago

Hello, fellow wonderful Scholars and Scribes! Welcome to the weekly picks! This is where we go over which pieces were submitted to the Scholar and Scribe community that stood out and made an impression. I will give my subjective review on each piece selected in hopes of stimulating creativity and reaching our ultimate goal - becoming better writers.

This is a purely prose selection. No poetry I'm afraid.



🎉 @whywhy | @vwrites2023 | @b0s

These are not rankings. These are not ordered. Think of them more as shoutouts. And as mini-reviews, of course.

With all that being said, let's kick things off with Intrusive Thoughts@b0s who wrote .

(that's never happened btw) but I just had to talk about this work. Second-person perspective? Can you hear the excitement reverberating through my keyboard? Not only does it begin in Second-person, but it beautifully transitions into First-person by the end and it makes sense. I mean... this is some orgasm worthy $#!@ right here.@b0s is back beneath the spotlight for the second post in a row

What do you do when you feel like you're in over your head? When the gap between where you are and where you want to be seems like a mountain, when the task you are currently faced with seems unstoppable, and the mountain you're trying to climb is too big, you look at yourself and ask yourself how did those who did it before you actually do it.

Experimental writing like this is why I love this craft so much. This is not the first time I've seen multiple-personality disorder described in such a way, but it's always a treat to see someone tinkering with what is possible. The unique perspective at display here is why writing stands apart from other media. Whenever I see someone use the medium to its fullest potential, I tip my hat and buckle my knee in admiration and respect. 👏 Kudos.

All of a sudden they're quiet again. I didn't realize I'd been clenching my fist the whole time. I sit down at the table and get back to work, have a deadline to catch.

Next up we got A growing reminder.@vwrites2023 with

Always cool to highlight a first-timer. @vwrites2023 blends contemporary fiction with fantasy in a satisfying way. A unique idea that is well executed is all you really need to produce quality work. That's easier said than done, I know, but it seems to come effortlessly for our featured author.

Romila had not expected a plant to grow in that particular spot in the backyard. But it did. The sapling sprouted and soon developed into a plant. It was only when the plant began to flower that Romila became uneasy.

This tale is sad, haunting. I love the feeling permeating through each sentence. It is apparent that the author knows what they want to achieve and never takes their eyes away from the road. This should be a lesson to us all - flowery sentences, quippy dialogue, metaphors, etc. are all for naught if the vision isn't complete. @vwrites2023 decided to walk before they ran, and hence produced a great short story. 👏 Kudos.

Her husband, Pramod and her son, Aakash began noticing a change in Romila. She had grown distant and quiet. Earlier when she came home from work, she would sit with her family and talk about her day, ask about theirs. But now, she would spend hours sitting by the window of the guest bedroom, and stare at that strange looking plant that was growing in the backyard.

Third on the chopping block is Beyond The Looking Glass - Words of the Unseen - Chapter 36.@whywhy's

(best name on Hive btw) chooses to paint.@whywhy is no stranger to being a featured author. Best believe there's a reason for that. I am jumping into the middle of this fantastical tale, and I am enthralled by the first paragraph. Just goes to show the vivid picture that @whywhy

SI see Sei slowly disappear, then the tree, then I see the volcano also getting smaller. I see the sea, how immense is it? Until she too is completely visible. From this distance, the world is so small, and the space around us so big and I feel connected to both.

The author doesn't spend unneeded words explaining concepts the reader shouldn't know. Everything is compact and packs the appropriate punch. The dialogue is fast but not too fast. The exposition fulfills its purpose and then it's gone. True marks of a seasoned author. Now, did I understand what was going on by jumping head-first into this tory? No. Did I enjoy every second of it? Hells to the yeah. 👏 Kudos.

No matter how small we are, we are all pieces of the same puzzle "I get it, the same puzzle," I shout, laughing as I try to comprehend how immense and complex that puzzle is. I just can't do that because it makes me feel sick as hell, I feel a deep black suction engulf me and pull me back.

✍️ I hope the Scholars found something interesting to read, and the Scribes discovered something new about the craft. Thank you for stopping by - I'll see you all next week!

🖼️ Image Sources: 01 🖼️

🕺 I'd like to thank the newest curator to our Scholar and Scribe family, the fabulous @stickupcurator. 🕺

Check out our 2023 Scribe of the Year

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Read The 2023 Scribe Spotlights

About the Scholar and Scribe Community

Scholar and Scribe is a creative writing community founded in the forges of Hive's passionate Pizza Guild. It sets itself apart from some of the other writing groups on Hive with its unique dual-token system.

The Scholar and Scribe banner icons were designed by trashyomen. The cover image was designed by @jfuji.


Love how you spread the word !PIMP

You must be killin' it out here!
1.000 PIMP@whywhy just slapped you with , @grocko.
You earned 1.000 PIMP for the strong hand.
They're getting a workout and slapped 1/1 possible people today.


Read about some PIMP Shit or Look for the PIMP District

@whywhy, @vwrites2023 and @b0s, congratulations

Thank you 😁

Thanks a lot for this beautiful review @grocko. Most times I don't even pay attention to too much details, I just let the writing take me, and go with the flow. Happy it was an interesting read.


A discovery writer through and through. Thanks for posting!

You must be killin' it out here!
1.000 PIMP@b0s just slapped you with , @grocko.
You earned 1.000 PIMP for the strong hand.
They're getting a workout and slapped 1/1 possible people today.


Read about some PIMP Shit or Look for the PIMP District

 8 months ago  

!PIZZANice work @grocko as always! Thank you for continuing to highlight our authors and community.

You must be killin' it out here!
1.000 PIMP@dibblers.dabs just slapped you with , @grocko.
You earned 1.000 PIMP for the strong hand.
They're getting a workout and slapped 1/2 possible people today.


Read about some PIMP Shit or Look for the PIMP District

The Hive.Pizza team manually curated this post.

$PIZZA slices delivered:
dibblers.dabs tipped grocko @b0s tipped @grocko

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Sending Love and Ecency Vote!

Thank you so much!