Hello there! The final part! How will it end? Let's find out shall we?

From Pinterest
It wasn’t hard to find the place. GPS is a lifesaver sometimes. I looked at the building. It wasn’t too big, no good space to put snipers or other kinds of gunmen. No obvious tricks or traps. Logan still held onto my jacket though, as if ready to pull me back if we ended up in an Indiana Jones style predicament.
But we walked in without getting ourselves killed, so that was an alright start.
Inside I realized what the place was. It was a lab. Not a sanitary one, but one all the same.
“Oh good, you listened,” a man said, walking up to us. He was wearing a lab coat, which I noticed was speckled with blood at the bottom. “I was worried we’d have to make this difficult.”
“Mr. Griffin,” Logan asked. The man took a small bow. “The one and only. And you must be David,” he said, pointing to Logan. “And Logan.” He pointed to me.
I stepped forward, putting my body mainly in front of Logan. “Actually, I’m David, but either way. How do you know us?”
Mr. Griffin smiled. “Well, Matthew told me all about you two. He’s exceptionally chatty.”
Logan put a hand on my shoulder, pushing me out of the way just enough to seem threatening. “If you hurt him-”
Mr. Griffin waved him off. “Oh please. I haven’t hurt a hair on his head. Why would I? He’s one of my greatest experiments, a gift. You two truly do not know what we are doing here.”
I laughed dryly. “You’re experimenting on children.”
“I’m giving them purpose!” Mr. Griffin composed himself, fixing his coat. “They were nothing without me, just suffering homeless children. I gave them a new life, something to live for.”
I shook my head. “You took their lives.”
Mr. Griffin rolled his eyes, but he was still smiling. “No I didn’t. They were created for one purpose, to help people. To fight the battles we couldn’t. I made them heroes.”
Logan looked around, but no one seemed to be here but the three of us. “How’d you do it anyway? This-this shouldn’t be possible.”
Mr. Griffin chuckled. “You have no idea what’s possible when you mix science with magic.” Logan looked at me, eyes wide. I got the message. This had never been done before. How many millenniums of monsters and magic, and yet no one had ever put it with science. It didn’t seem possible.
Mr. Griffin seemed to notice our shock and took pleasure in it. “It was pretty simple. There are millions of spell books across the world. It just took finding the right one and adding the right ingredients. I’m surprised no one had thought of it before.” His pride was unremarkable, I’d have to give him that.
“You’re smart, that’s not debatable,” I said. “But everyone knows the best monsters are intelligent.”
Mr. Griffin grimaced and turned to me. “I am the creator. I am no monster.”
I shook my head and stepped forward. “Sure, but you’re not a benevolent God. You’re Frankenstein.”
Mr. Griffin’s eyes lit with a fury I didn’t know possible in an old man. “Maybe you’re right. But you have no power. I have Matthew, one word he’s dead. Just hand Jeremy over and we won't have any problems.”
I tried to tell if he was bluffing, but he wasn’t. His face was dead serious, hand on his belt by a radio. I froze.
Logan didn’t have the same idea. He growled, something I didn't think possible. “Matthew is a child,” he spat. “The reason he’s in this mess is because you forced him to be.”
Mr. Griffin grinned. “I made him. I can take it away just as easily. And why wouldn’t I?”
I watched Logan’s claws come out, slowly. I’d never seen him so angry, almost animal-like.
Mr. Griffin raised an eyebrow at the claws. “Are you sure you want to try that?”
Logan smirked. “I’m going to rip you to shreds.” Right before Logan lunged at him, someone spoke.
I noticed someone next to me. Or at least the clothes.
Griffin saw it too. “Ah, Jeremy. You’ve come back.”
Before I knew what was happening, Griffin had been punched. I almost wish I had been the one to do it, but I wasn’t.
Jeremy punched him again as Griffin fell back. He tried to grab the radio, but Jeremy grabbed it from him and threw it against the wall. The radio shattered.
Griffin tried to protect his face but Jeremy kept hitting him. I kept hearing the sound of a fist hitting bone. Then I heard a gun being loaded.
“Jeremy stop,” Logan’s voice rang through the building. He grabbed the invisible boy’s wrist. Jeremy turned to him sharply, trying to twist his arm away from Logan.
“Let go, or I’ll shoot you,” he threatened. Logan put his hand up but didn’t let go.
“Jeremy, I won’t disagree that he deserves it. But I can’t let you kill him. I won’t.”
Jeremy still fought, but not as hard. “Why does he get to live after what he’s done? You don’t even know everything he’s done to me and the others?”
“Wait,” I said. “Others?”
Jeremy scoffed. “You didn’t know? I don’t even know how many people he’s done this to, but we aren’t the only ones. Not even close. He deserves to die.”
I grabbed Jeremy’s arm as he raised the gun and pulled him away. “Jeremy, I’ve killed people before. I’m not proud of it. And I’m not letting you go through the same.”
I remembered the people I failed to save. Adeline, the witch I shot in the head. Those who I failed as a police officer. I wouldn’t let this kid become like me.
I realized too late we had our eyes off of Griffin too long.
“David," Logan exclaimed.
Griffin drank some potion, chugging the entire thing. I didn’t think about what it could be until he started to disappear.
“No. No, no, no,” Jeremy muttered. He raised the gun and shot, but by then Griffin was fully invisible. Even his clothes were gone, unlike the others.
“Well, who needs you,” Griffin said. “When I can make myself the hero? Oh, and don’t worry about the clothes. I’m not stupid, you said it yourself David.” For a split second, his clothes became visible, and I realized he must’ve used magic on them.
“Griffin,” Logan yelled, but when he tried to tackle where the scientist had been, he just fell to the ground.
Griffin was gone.
Jeremy cursed loudly. “Come on! He was right there-I could’ve-I should’ve,” he turned to me and Logan, pointing straight into my chest. “This is your fault! You let him live! I thought you people killed monsters!”
Logan tried to explain. “Jeremy, we were trying to protect you-”
“I don’t need you,” he screamed. “Neither does Matthew. We would’ve been fine if you two hadn’t come in and messed everything up!”
“Jeremy,” a weak voice called out. Matthew.
It didn’t take long to find him. He was tied to a chair in the corner. According to what we got of the story, he’d been knocked out.
I untied him while Logan tried to reason with Jeremy. It wasn’t working though.
“Is Jeremy okay,” Matthew asked. He seemed like he was about to cry. I didn’t want to lie, but I couldn’t tell the kid the truth.
“I don’t know. But you’re going to be safe, I promise.”
Suddenly, I felt Jeremy behind me. “Matthew, come on. We’re leaving.”
“What,” Matthew asked. “But what about David and Logan?”
Jeremy scoffed, and I could feel him looking at us. “They aren’t here to help us. Come on Matthew. I can protect you.”
Matthew hesitated. “No. I trust them.”
Jeremy was silent. I felt Logan put his hand in mine. One squeeze, as if asking if I was okay. I squeezed back a yes.
“Matthew, you’re really going to risk your life trusting the people who got us in this mess,” Jeremy asked.
Matthew stood up. “They didn’t get us in this mess, we did. We made this mistake. They want to help.”
Jeremy scoffed. “Fine. This is a stupid decision though.” He began to walk away.
“Jeremy,” Matthew tried. But he got no answer.
Jeremy was gone.
“Thank you two. For everything,” Matthew said, putting a backpack on.
Logan smiled. “You know, you can stay in the house with us. Marina said it’d be fine.”
Matthew nodded. “I know. But I need to figure this out. If I’m invisible, I have to figure out how to live with it.”
I put my hands in my pockets. “At least call us when you can. If Griffin tries to get to you again-”
“I’ll call,” Matthew interrupted. “I promise.”
Suddenly, I felt arms wrap around me. “Thank you,” Matthew told me. Then he hugged Logan. “Thank you both.”
When he let go, we both smiled. Then he got on the bus.
As we watched the bus pull away, all I could think was if he’d be okay. “He’ll be alright,” Logan said, as if reading my mind. “I know it.”
I turned to him. “I really hope you’re right. He’s a good kid.”
Logan nodded. “And Jeremy? Do you think we’ll be able to find him?” I shrugged. “We'll try. I guess we have to.”
Logan didn’t seem so sure. “Hey,” I said. “We’ll find him. And Griffin too. I promise.”
I wasn’t the kind of person who made promises I couldn’t keep. But we’d have to try. We’d find them. We had too.
And there we go! Will we ever see Matthew, Jeremy, and Griffin again? I guess we'll have to see. I'll admit, the next MPS story is going to be a lot of fun so I hope you're ready for that! I hope you enjoyed and have a good day!