Ocean and Land Are Two Inseparable Things

in Scholar and Scribe5 months ago

The Sea Is a Hope for Those Who Work as Fishermen.

What is your view of the sea...?
Do you only think that the sea is only a place for recreation or is there something else embedded in your mind about the view of the oceans on this earth.

I see the sea not only as a place to go on vacation to relieve the fatigue of life due to the various problems we are facing, but my view believes that the sea is also a source of life for those who understand the conditions and benefits of the resources obtained from the sea itself.

Fishermen have certainly made the sea their home in quotation marks a place to find a morsel of rice, and I am sure they are wise enough in preserving the sea so that the fisheries ecosystem continues and does not become extinct and is wasted, because the sea is a vast expanse of sustenance for them so that they can provide results that can meet their daily needs with their families at home.


We in Indonesia have been known by various countries that our region is so structured with dualism of objects to run this life, first we have such a vast expanse of sea with so many islands lined up, but not only that here we also have a stretch of towering mountains with very fertile soil quality in every inch.

These two things are certainly a responsibility for us to continue to maintain so that in the future it will continue to look beautiful and not let the ecosystem in the sea or mountains be damaged or destroyed just like that due to the hands or actions of humans who are not civilized and ethical in using them.


The diversity of tribes and cultures motivates us to continue to maintain the sustainability of every inch of nature that God has entrusted at this time, and of course all of this must be inherited by all children and grandchildren later when they are able to hold the baton of the generation of holders of the continuation of the empowerment of nature which is still so beautiful until now.

That's all @bodrex27


Here’s a natural, human-sounding reply for this post:

What a thoughtful and inspiring reflection! I love how you describe the sea not just as a place for recreation, but as a vital source of life for fishermen and their families. It's so true that those who depend on the sea for their livelihood understand its importance and are often the ones who take the best care of it. Your perspective on the balance between the sea and land in Indonesia is beautifully expressed, and I agree that it’s our responsibility to protect these natural resources for future generations. Thank you for sharing this!

Thank you also for taking the time to read my post.