What is RC (resource credits)? How to get more?

in PEAK FAQ PROJECT4 years ago (edited)
Authored by @jarvie

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Resource credits are not often a concern for most users after they have earned a bit of HIVE from blogging. But for new users there may be some questions so we hope to answer them all here.

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Resource credits are what determine how many transactions on the Hive Blockchain you are able to do.

  • The abbreviation is RC
  • RC is directly correlated to Hive Power (Which you can see in your wallet)
  • Different transactions cost different amounts of Resource Credits
  • PeakD shows RC in percentage form
  • Resource credits replenish every day. It takes 5 days to go from ~0% to 100%
  • Each day the % will recharge basically 1/5th
  • Though generally similar RC cost may vary from day to day based on how much traffic is presently happening on the Hive Blockchain. (The more transactions happening the higher the cost may be)

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It helps keep HIVE stable, not overly abused, and fair in it's distribution of usage based on those who have earned/purchased that right.

Because Hive is a community driven system and there is no central owner, therefore there needs to be an inpartial systematic method to determine who gets to use the HIVE system and how much they get to use it. RC system helps to avoid spam and makes sure those who have added value to Hive are the ones who get to use the system.

Keep In Mind: There is much more than blogging and commenting that is available on the Hive blockchain and some applications may do lots of transactions. So it is not simply about limiting comments and posts. The system must account for all types of transactions.

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You get more resource credits by having more Hive Power.
Meaning RC is a benefit of HP (Hive Power)


One of the direct rewards for posts is Hive Power.
At the end of the 7 day voting period for your post/comment you will be rewarded with some Hive Power.


You can convert Hive Tokens into Hive power.
This process is called Powering up.


This is done in your user wallet

ADVANCED: Essentially powering up is staking hive... And that means setting aside Hive to become Hive Power which gives you benefits like Resource Credits but makes your Hive less accessible/liquid and it takes a GRADUAL power down to turn all that Hive Power back to Hive Tokens. (Full cycle is 13 weeks for a 100% power down)

So how do you power up?
Well first of all you have to own HIVE tokens. So how do you do that?
You can buy hive on exchanges or have a friend that can sell you Hive tokens.


There are some opportunities to get a delegation of Hive Power from another user.
Sometimes friends or a Hive application may delegate to you.
However you can also purchase a delegation... there are even sites that allow that.

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We show RC in the form of a percentage. (It's much more simple this way)
At a certain point of HP most users will never be concered again with their RC level.

most users who have earned a bit of Hive Power may never be concerned about RC usage.

If you are interested in how much your low level of RC uses try this:

  1. You can look at the percentage
  2. Do a transaction
  3. Look at the percentage change to get a good idea of what it used and thus you are capable of.

NOTE: RC costs can change daily.

You can look at your profile and click the info button

You can also go to this page and see the number at the top

ADVANCED: If you want very detailed math regarding Resource Credits this page is a good resource
https://hiveblocks.com/@peak.answers (edit with your account name)
However just know that it is a pretty complicated page.

As of the time of writing this post the account could do about 65 more comments/posts and the account only has 20HivePower (HP)
If you're playing a game consistently that is doing lots of transactions your RC% may decrease much faster than blogging type operations on PeakD.com for example.


  1. All articles are posted in this Hive community
  2. This document will be updated with links to all FAQ articles.
  3. Project ran by @peakd. Main authors presently: @jarvie
  4. Please submit more questions here.

Please follow up this post with any other questions you have for this topic


A way to get some free RC TEMPORARILY is to use https://giftgiver.site/, just head over and plug in your username and as long as the site can support it, you can get a free delegation.

Thank you very much for this explanation. Was looking exactly for this. 👍

I got an error yesterday when I accidentally wanted to like an old post/comment. I feel like the error message can be more friendly and explain better.

Is there a way to see how much credit you're using when you like something and a way to see credit right in the like slider without going all the way back to my profile?

How to increase free Resource Credits. Can you guide me? From the original 3M resources.

Thank you. Finally I understood.

Thank you very much for this explanation.

Saved my life
So badly needed to publish this. Which made no 15 on ithe PeakD / Twitter charts yesterday. #homeless #petition https://bit.ly/feganfraud

This was exactly what I needed to read because I didn't know what resource credits were and I'm glad that I now know about powering up too, all from your article. Thank you so much 🙂

How can i send some RC to another user