Adding Some Worker and Adding Some SIM Token

in dCity2 months ago

Hello guys, I am Arveno and want to share my Journey as a Mayor in Dcity game. Now i know that if we want to increasing our daily income. I need to increasing tax refund. And tax refund get by balancing the income, worker, and business card together. It is hard sometimes not because the card is not there. But, the challenging ones is because i am not rich mayor. So, i need budgeting to buying some worker cards, or building cards, or support cards. I have limited budget because i want to be SIMillionaire role. And right now i just having under 250k SIM token right now. That is just under 25% to reach my goal.

Right now i have budget around 16k SIM token to buying cards. And that is really small amount to shopping right. But, i need to be consistent to be a good mayor right. So, i need to considering what i need to buy this time. And yeah it is not much. But before shopping i am shocking looking at crises . It is changes and all player got pandemic and cannot doing anything. And i need to reduce the Fires crises status because it is too high right now

See, there is Pandemy is attacking. It has 1 % chance. And when dealing with RNG it is not good for me. But i am hoping my city not get pandemic at all. And there is Fires crisis with 20% . 20% is too high for me and it disturbing my eyes looking that red and high chance like that. And after reading almost all the building there are no building that reducing the Fires crises. Only Fire Departement that just reducing Fires income penalty by 20 SIM. So, this is still lose to player. But,still i need this card because it can reducing the risk if the Fires attacking my city.

So, i decided targeting to buying this building card. Maybe i will buying this card around 2 or maybe 5. Since it is just around 900 SIM token. But what make this building expensive is this business card need 20 workers. And the citizen card is the expensive one especially i need to using citizen card that gives tax refund. And i found these 2 worker card that very affordable and giving good status.

These 2 cards is very good for citizen. Eco Activist gives 1 population and reduce 2 popularity. But this card gives 2 tax refund and that means will giving me 2 SIM token daily. And the second is Economist. This citizen card gives 1 population 1 popularity and 3 income and also gives 1 tax refund. That is really complete for me with affordable price.

So, i decided to buy 5 cards of Eco Activist. since i already have 2 unemployed citizen, it will be total 7 unemployed citizen in my city. It need total 13 citizen to fulfill the Fire Departement to be activated.

And then my budget with just 16k SIM token wont enough for buying 5 Economist. So i decided to just buying 2 cards only. That will be enough to make my SIM token stay above 200k SIM token.

And the last i buying Fire Departement with only 950 SIM token and it still make my SIM Token above 200k SIM. So, it still safe. The next week i will starting to buy again. So, maybe next week will be just updating once. Since after holiday my weekly payments seems having a little bit problem with the schedule.

So, after buying some cards, this is the newest my city. I still need 10 citizen more to activate my Fire Departement. Maybe for next week i will buying more Eco Activist then buying some Economist too. It will cover some of the popularity after got reducing by EcoActivist. And my daily income increasing to be 185 SIM/day. It not much but i think it is okay. Still far away from 200 SIM/day. Maybe next week i can reach that or not since i need to reach 250k SIM token too for next week.

After got some cards and some tax refund. My income increasing and my rank is increasing a little bit. My rank rising by 3 to be 183. Still long way to top 150. But i believe after reaching 200 SIM daily reward, my rank will be raising much.

My next target for ranking is top 150 as i mentioned above. And my Daily Income target is 200 SIM/day which is i really need to be patient to waiting some weekly payment again. I need to set aside some of my income to swapping be SIM token. And my target for SIM token is 250k for next week.


How long have you been playing dcity? Did you invest into it or just purchase using accumulated SIM? I was looking into dcity and dcrops and started with the latter, but then realized seems like late entry to the game is a disadvantage. Kind of hard to catch up with the others unless one purchases a lot of assets.

i accumulated SIM right now since SPL gives weekly profit. And my target is Dcity will have independent finance and not injecting again from other games. but it still long way to go. Maybe need 4-5 months to reach 1M SIM

man, you already climb again !
Has the daily leaderboard income active again ?

i dont know i dont think it is active again