surrealpete cross-posted this post in Hive Australia 3 years ago

Storyboards to explain Treason to Kids

in Informationwar3 years ago

Australians have dug in surrounding the Australian capital Canberra, camping out with no end planned until the government ends the mandates and lockdown laws. More join the thousands there every day and this is fabulous news for the entire country.


Ultimately they want to fix our nation by dissolving the illegal government and resolve the constitutional crisis by going back to before all MPs started acting as traitors by creating laws illegally and colluding with media and judiciary to conceal the fact from the public.
MP's and the Governor General were recently charged with Treason, view the [charge and summons sheet here] (

Many people have enough interest in this that they'd like to know more, but are reluctant to do more that 5min reading to learn the facts.

So for the kids, and short attention span adults, here is an easy to digest storyboard version to enable readers to 'learn more' with min effort.


Storyboards to explain Treason to Kids






Storyboard Summary


Helpful Info Cards


oziscorp0.gifyes, australia really WAS turned into a corporation and sold off without the public permission or knowledge. All MPs know about this and their concealment make them ALL guilty of treason



Links to See whats going on because the corrupt media will only show you Propaganda

politics.jpgclick to see the videos