Strategic content marketing (planning) - content architecture

in Digital Marketing4 months ago

Recently i wrote aboout things I do profesionally Strategic Content Marketing - as some comments encouraged me to write more about it - here we go.


Newsroom and content / theme architecture

Starting with the way I see strategic content marketing these days - I joined my company over two years ago given the approach to help companies bring their strategic planning and execution from existing silos, tons of different tools in project management, planning, content creation, publishing and analysis / reporting into one system, one platform to ensure a strategic overview for communication, may this be external comms (PR, media, social media), intenal comms, intranet, web, product amrkting to name a few.

What I found out as key challenge for many companies is exactly the work in siloes - hence we help them, i try to - how we do this is based on our own content architecture approve we created. In a nutshell the overall topic / strategic gial (or call it the STORY) is where we start with. The channel or content piece is at the end of the entire process.

So how is a potential content architecture structured?

Not saying this is the ideal planning template for any business issues but I found out some of the huge companies are happy with this incl. the leading logistics company in my country and some of the leading financial institutes.

Just a sample overview on how such an architecture could be structured for strategic comms planning - we usually say bye bye Excel:

Virtual newsroom, editorial schedule, editorial calendar, production control: We try to make editorial work easier for companies. Strategically plan topics, manage assets for posts, control content production, post to social networks, analyze successes - all in one place. To do this, we enables large companies to organize their content across departments, breaking down silos.

In the follwoing some visuals to give you a first idea on the content architecture idea (if interested in details about the various levels happy to answer in comments) - it is unfortuneley in German right now as I can not show confidential details about real systems (but working on a new template).


Newsroom Ansätze - die Themenarchitektur

In meinem täglichen Leben nicht mehr weg zu denken - bin tatsächlich überzeugt, dass wir die ideale Läsung bieten für primär größere Unternehmen, die über mehrere Standorte diverse Abteilungen in der Kommunikation auf einer Plattform zusammen zu bringen und damit auch einen erheblichen Mehrwert zu bieten. Ohne zu erwähnen, welche Anbieter besser sind oder wieso wir die geilsten sind empfehle ich hier etwas Lesestoff aus einer aktuellen Feldstudie zum Berufsfeld Kommunikation:

Das kostenlose Werk hat auch das Thema Newsroom / Planung als Thema ab Seite 92 (hier zu erwähnen für den Kollegen @detlev New Work wird ebenso behandelt ab Slide / Seite 76) - die Herausforderungen sind spannend und helfen mir in der täglichen Arbeit - speziell wer vorne liegt generell und bei den klassischen Newsroom Anbietern.

Hope this adds value

Next post might cover the challenges communications and marketing professionals have in their daily working life and how a newsroom aka strategic content marketing planning tol could help here.


professional approach to marketing

yeah - most needed by bigger corporates

Oh my goodness, that's thinking a lot for me, and at my age, if I do that, my hair falls out from stress. jejejeje

i lost my hair already - hope not due to this :-)