A little preemptive post protection

in Aureal2 years ago

Posting this publicly

I'm posting this publicly because I'm just that kind of guy and it needs to be out in the public because it involves more than just me. I'm not the only host of this podcast and I do not want him nor I to get smacked with any repercussions from Hivewatchers.

not post to Hive. There are many podcasts on Aureal that dont post to Hive. So I assumed it was possible.A little over a month ago I switched the posting of the podcast from @aureal to @cast.garden Fine right? No big deal right? Well, its apparently a big deal since when you have your podcast on Aureal there is no way for the user to delete their own podcast. You must have them do it for you. Still, no big deal. So I did. And I even said they could keep it on if they can make it

Here's the problem

The media files and rss for the podcast originates from Anchor.fm (which is now Spotify Podcasts). That rss was imported to Aureal. That rss is also what imports into cast.garden currently. You can import any rss into Aureal and use Aureal as your podcast player. So a podcast doesnt not have to be on Hive to use Aureal.

@aureal is an awesome dapp and I still encourage everybody to use it the same as I encourage people to use @cast.garden, @threespeak, etc. Find the dapp that works for you. Support it and report bugs! So they can make it better.

I vary rarely log into this account except to do some claims and do some voting on occasion. It was during this that I noticed it was still posting from Aureal. I'm guessing that they did a system restore from a previous server back up somewhere prior to my asking for the removal and it got put back in by restoring a back up. I know how these things happen because I frequently restore my own systems on my local machines with backups and often get confused why I find a file I thought I deleted months ago. Lol.

But I digress, as I am doing my usual ramble

Aureal is currently aware of the situation and is attempting to fix it as I type this post.

We all know this is new technology and is not perfect

This was just a technical snafu that nobody could see coming or imagine happening and was never an attempt to double dip the rewards pool. I ask you all to go easy on @aureal, @cast.garden and especially my cohost @allentaylor.

Hive and all the dapps have had their fair share of growing pains and there is no doubt in anyones minds that there will be many more to come. But one thing I know for sure is that Hive is still the one blockchain doing it's best to build #Web3 the right way. No matter what some people, even myself may say about it. The people building Hive are the most genuinely awesome and caring people on the face of the planet. Just look at what they've built already!

And imagine whats coming in the future.

This post was written by @unklebonehead

Screenshots below are presented as public proof of the problem's detection and that it is being rectified. They are taken from a public support room in the Aureal discord server. Please notice the dates of the postings in the screenshots.
The posts on Hive in question are the 3 last episodes of the podcast. Which are the 3 media posts previous of this written post on this account.


Transparency is everything, thank you for checking on that and following up to make sure they turn off those double-dips! Maybe Aureal should also send a few Hive to null or something too to restore the confidence and any double-dipped funds.

I would be happy to do that as well as soon as I learn how to do it I will. Lol.