I'm quite confused understanding a simple thing, hope you have my answers.
This is where I'm confused.
is this fine to tweet our own post? (AFAIK - it will get us posh token only excluding hive) am i right?
secondly I'm seeing mostly people sharing other people post with #Posh tag - is the reason behind Sharing other people post is they get liquid hive rewards or what's the purpose of doing so?. Sorry for asking noob question - just trying to understand the whole thing.
Though count me in, Going to try how this works out.
Yes it's perfectly fine, just don't upvote it here on Hive, you can still earn POSH for your own posts.
The posh tag is useless, was never required to be used, only #hive. Not sure how that got started. The idea is of course to get more visibility to the posts you share and the hive ecosystem on Twitter, that's the main point of sharing posts and to incentivize them.
Oh Thanks, i Got it now. I thought tag is necessary but thanks for making it clear
Also i just want to request thing i noticed with this #Hive thing is poshtoken bot only works when the tweet is done using small h, #hive but not when it's capital #Hive
Is it possible for bot to fix this and work on both...it will be a Good initiative or more friendly.
I don't think that's true, I've definitely seen it work with a capital H as well, do you have any examples?
Maybe just a misconception then, i said this because tweeted using capital H but bot didn't showed up so i deleted and tried with small h or it works. Will retry later to confirm if this was misconception.
It should be working unless there's some weirdness going on with the twitter API. Working on improving that part. -Posh Dev
I can understand. Thanks for working on it and for the response. Really appreciate you for what you're doing.