πŸ“Š Daily Twitter Data Reports as of December 24, 2021 πŸš€ 3,296 hive tweets of the day πŸš€

in HivePosh β€’ 3 years ago

Our Daily Reports in all the tweets related to #Hive, hope you will enjoy what you see here as we are trying to boost Hive's popularity especially on a big social media #Twitter.

As a long believer of the Hive protocol since 2017, there is a necessity to attract more attention in what can we offer here as Fast, Scalable, Powerful, The Blockchain for Web 3.0. Twitter is a great platform to bring awareness on Web 3.0, I made a post on how Twitter may play an important role for us. Our google spreadsheet is available for public viewing.

If you love promoting Hive on Twitter and want to earn Hive at the same timepost. It's our pleasure to work with such a great community.. We want to invite you to our regular Call to Action posts on the accounts @hiro-hive and @acidposh made by @acidyo. All tweet participation is eligible for an upvote from @theycallmedan and liquid Hive tips sponsored by @threespeak. Tweets with a minimum #Hive tag will get a daily #POSH airdrop (@poshtoken), we can check this

1. Daily number of Tweets & Retweets

Total Number of Hive Tweets and Retweets - 2021-12-25T144643.123.png

DateNo. of TweetsNo. of RetweetsTotal No. Tweets & Retweets

2. Top 30 Daily Most Active Hive Owners

(Note: These are the total Orignal Tweets, Retweets, Retweets with comments, replies(comments) with our hashtags and links.)

RankTwitter / Hive UsernamesTweet Counts
2Freecrypto20 / @freecrypto100
3glag_leonardo / @germanandradeg73
4danyramsoficial / @daniel200148
5cetb2008 / @cetb200846
6Music1Sound / @music1sound43
9SMadushnaka / @madushanka27
10motherhood_hive / @motherhood22
11jlufer / @jlufer19
15mariatornero60 / @sacra9716
16logansart_ / @logansart16
17Psyshock_1 / @psyshock15
18AndersonSBrad / @bradleyarrow13
20Anaely_Rdrgz / @sugarelys13
23sgerhart130 / @sgerhart10
24readthisplease6 / @readthisplease10
25mariajcastro_28 / @mariajcastro2810
26Fran_Guanare / @franvenezuela10
28Natepow95247463 / @natepowers9
29NftShowroom / @nftshowroom9

3. Top 30 Hive Owners that received most Likes & Retweets (Dec 22 - Dec 24)

(Note: All tweets that have hashtags and links will be included. We considered all tweets in the past 3 days for the reason that tweets are continually being liked & retweeted by people.)

RankTwitter / Hive UsernamesSUM of Likes & RTs
1farming_tales / @farmingtales1341
2splinterlands / @steemmonsters1217
3bulldog1205 / @bulldog12051119
8dbuzzAPP / @dbuzz219
10hive_blockchain / @niallon11211
12NathanMars7 / @nathanmars201
14motherhood_hive / @motherhood187
15FinanceLeo / @leofinance180
16HiveSlotGames / @hiveslotgames179
18taskmaster4450 / @taskmaster4450156
21SplinterlandsG / @foggybottom130
22Olawalium / @olawalium127
23geekjen / @geekgirl126
24readthisplease6 / @readthisplease123
26fpadilla20 / @felixgarciap115
27Jon_G_Olson / @jongolson114
28Music1Sound / @music1sound104
29Fermionico / @fermionico103
30Philly852 / @kennysgaminglife101

4. Top 30 Tweets w/ Highest Number of Likes & Retweets (Dec 22 - Dec 24)

RankTwitter / Hive UsernamesTweets ShortcutNo. of Likes + RT
1farming_tales / @farmingtalesTwitter Link1150
2bulldog1205 / @bulldog1205Twitter Link683
3GamingfiTvTwitter Link564
4GamingfiTvTwitter Link492
5bulldog1205 / @bulldog1205Twitter Link332
6CryptoCommandrTwitter Link223
7CryptoDifferTwitter Link206
8splinterlands / @steemmonstersTwitter Link189
9SimpleSwap_ioTwitter Link184
10AvisaGuildTwitter Link178
112D_HKHTwitter Link170
12luciusdfkTwitter Link145
13bitcoin10095828Twitter Link141
14CryptoCommandrTwitter Link134
15splinterlands / @steemmonstersTwitter Link131
16SplinterlandsG / @foggybottomTwitter Link130
17HiveSlotGames / @hiveslotgamesTwitter Link128
18dbuzzAPP / @dbuzzTwitter Link124
19CryptoTutTwitter Link105
20splinterlands / @steemmonstersTwitter Link103
21bitcoin10095828Twitter Link100
22NathanMars7 / @nathanmarsTwitter Link98
23FinanceLeo / @leofinanceTwitter Link92
24splinterlands / @steemmonstersTwitter Link90
25CryptoTutTwitter Link88
26splinterlands / @steemmonstersTwitter Link86
27bitcoin10095828Twitter Link82
28splinterlands / @steemmonstersTwitter Link79
29splinterlands / @steemmonstersTwitter Link78
30splinterlands / @steemmonstersTwitter Link78

5. Tweets of the Day

~~~ embed:1474262613722808320 twitter metadata:R2lmdGluZ05GVHN8fGh0dHBzOi8vdHdpdHRlci5jb20vR2lmdGluZ05GVHMvc3RhdHVzLzE0NzQyNjI2MTM3MjI4MDgzMjB8 ~~~

~~~ embed:1474362976840949763 twitter metadata:Q3J5cHRvVHV0fHxodHRwczovL3R3aXR0ZXIuY29tL0NyeXB0b1R1dC9zdGF0dXMvMTQ3NDM2Mjk3Njg0MDk0OTc2M3w= ~~~

~~~ embed:1474194687355457539 twitter metadata:c3BsaW50ZXJsYW5kc3x8aHR0cHM6Ly90d2l0dGVyLmNvbS9zcGxpbnRlcmxhbmRzL3N0YXR1cy8xNDc0MTk0Njg3MzU1NDU3NTM5fA== ~~~

splinterlands / @steemmonsters

6. Tweets that we don't want to miss out

~~~ embed:1472407077264007170 twitter metadata:VGhleWNhbGxtZURhbl98fGh0dHBzOi8vdHdpdHRlci5jb20vVGhleWNhbGxtZURhbl8vc3RhdHVzLzE0NzI0MDcwNzcyNjQwMDcxNzB8 ~~~

~~~ embed:1472463312709627904 twitter metadata:dWJhbmlfYXJpYmF8fGh0dHBzOi8vdHdpdHRlci5jb20vdWJhbmlfYXJpYmEvc3RhdHVzLzE0NzI0NjMzMTI3MDk2Mjc5MDR8 ~~~

LiketuOfficial / @liketu

We have gathered the data to show to you how we are doing of promoting Hive this past few days. We have all our Twitter Data publicly available for your review to verify how we are doing on Twitter that relates to our hashtags.


All data reported above are based on the data from Twitter API related to Hive. Please include #Crypto on our #Hive tweets to reach a much larger audience and eyeballs.
Please follow me on Twitter and Hive 😍

We want to recognize our great people on Twitter we always see every day. I am grateful to God to have you guys in our Hive Family. We love all of you, I am praying to God that He take good care for all of you and your family. <3

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Useful notifications! I was there.

The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the person sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at https://hiveposh.com.

Thank you for all you do. Let's keep talking about Hive.