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RE: Introducing HiveDesk

in The Mindful AI2 years ago

I beg your pardon... since information is taken from websites, isn't it easier to enrich the websites with details and information, rather than searching through "AI"?

If I need to know what Hive is or how it works, I go to the website.
Why would I need to register for yet another service, leaving yet another email, to get information that already exists on or or ecency or googling for "web3"?
Perhaps I am misinterpreting how the service works.

The keys:

  • Explain keywords specific to Hive >>> (search online)
  • Answer basic questions about Hive & Web3 in general. >>> (search online)
  • Provide resources like links, blog posts, and articles about Hive >>> (search online)
  • Summarize concepts, articles, and blogs (can ask to chatgpt, eventually?)
  • Translate text (right click > translate on every browser)
  • Provide multilingual support (right click > translate on every browser)
  • Content ideation and creation (can ask to chatgpt, eventually?)
  • Give feedback (?)

Thank you in advance

 2 years ago  

Yes, you can use Chat GPT to do everything this tool can do and more. You can choose to search online. Or you can choose to use HiveDesk. Totally upto you.

The information is taken by AI and presented in the format some people might like.

I might have to improve and add more features to make HiveDesk a preferred option.

No,... that is a service that is spun upon chatGPT. It's way smarter than a classic web search. Maybe you need to dwell a bit into AI-based LLMs to get a basic understanding of their utility.