Praise India welcomes all subscribers and active users.

in Praise India4 years ago

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Hello friends,
As an admin of PraiseIndia likes to welcome all subscribers of praise India; and the active users of the community.

It is great to see that now we have 61 subscribers and 38 active users.

I also like to thank @photoman, our curator, for providing continuous support to our writers.

Today I want to request every writer of the community;

Please support each other's posts and make insightful comments. Your engagement will help to establish this community. And we can go far together.

Please follow a few rules:-

1.Do not share plagiarised posts.
2.Mention the source if pictures are not yours.
3.Except for photography posts and poems, try to write your content at least 250-300 words.
4.Try to share some creative and informative posts so that many can learn from you.

I also like to see many more active users here. So, please ask your friends to join our community.

If you have any question or suggestion, you can share in the reply section.

We love to welcome delegators, so please come forward and praise India.

If anyone from our active users or subscribers has programming knowledge and is ready to work with us officially, let us know through your comments.

We love to welcome them and will allow working with us. That is all I wanted to share. Stay blessed and maintain social distance to prevent yourself from covid.

Keep posting and keep engaged with each other. Do not forget to invite your friends here. Also, share your opinion with us. This is your family and I believe you will maintain the protocol.


Also like to gain attention of

@ocdb @appreciator @upmewhale


Great to see a new community about India come up. Wish to see you do some wonderful work here.


Nice work

Very nicely elaborated points .. noted

can I post a blog post here I am from india?