La correcta alimentación de los cachorros / The correct feeding of puppies

in Hive Pets3 years ago

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Saludos a todos, espero que este video les guste y les sirva de ayuda a la hora de adoptar un cachorrito.

Greetings to all, I hope you like this video and it helps you when adopting a puppy.

Lo hice con la intención de explicar la edad adecuada a adoptar y la correcta nutrición que deben tener los cachorros, es importante que durante los primeros meses no reciban aire frío ni brisas frías porque eso podría ser perjudicial.

I did it with the intention of explaining the appropriate age to adopt and the correct nutrition that the puppies should have, it is important that during the first months they do not receive cold air or cold breezes because that could be harmful.

Si piensas adoptar no dudes en visitar al veterinario para comenzar con su control y mantenerlo siempre sano.

If you plan to adopt, do not hesitate to visit the vet to start with his control and always keep him healthy.

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