Sometimes dogs are just obnoxious. But Portos surpassed everyone.
What should be the reaction of the dog that caught the chicken? I don't know what you think, but I would like to see at least a hint of remorse and sorry on the tailed hunter's face. But no!
He not only didn’t repent. He defiantly brought the chicken into the house and put it on the sofa. He didn't even think of hiding his crime! On the contrary, he showed everyone his prey. Like the leader of the pack on the top of the hill, he settled on the couch and ... fell asleep next to his prey. My indignant screams didn't bother him at all.
Since it was too late to resuscitate the chicken (due to the absence of a head), I decided to leave everything as it is and observe what will happen next.
The cheesen furry face slept well and decided that he was hungry. And what do you think? He started eating chicken without getting off the couch. This time I didn't swear because I was speechless from indignation.
Having had a great snack, the impudent tailed face left a bunch of feathers on the couch and proudly left in search of a bowl of water.
I think dogs rarely attack a chicken.
Depends on breed
I think there is joy in catching and this one has brought it home after falling.