Dog's school day

in Hive Pets2 years ago

Just as ignorance of the laws does not exempt from responsibility, so the heat does not exempt from lessons in a dog school. With the only difference that our lesson today took place not at 9 am, but at 7 pm.

Our coach, as always, was late. I don't really like having to wait, but on the other hand it gave us time to walk a bit in the forest. The heat had already subsided a little, the sun was setting, and the forest was flooded with the pink light of sunset.

Bilbo and Bucks were happy to run and play. And of course I took the opportunity to take a few photos. And of course, as always, both dogs took an active part in ensuring that not a single frame was left without their participation!

Then we walked for a long time and learned to walk side by side, sit, lie down, and be self-possessed and obedient. Bilbo is already quite well done, and Bax was very inattentive today, constantly distracted and stubborn.

I want to tell you that not only my dogs are learning during these classes. I am also learning. I am constantly learning how to make the dogs understand what I want to tell them. I am doubly pleased with their successes, because these are my successes too.



Мабуть, собакам не хотілося сидіти вдома, тому вони залюбки побігали у лісі.)))

Ой, їм аби побігати)