in Hive Pets3 months ago

Have you ever seen a cat hotel, guys?:)

Walking in the park, we saw nice cute cats resting on benches and under the trees, but some of them were going somewhere....

And they defintely knew where they were going and for what, it wasn't just a walk to nowhere.

My son wanted to see the destination point of their walk and he followed them....

What did we see there?
A cat hotel!;)) COTEL - that's like they called it;))

They all were going there!;)
It's a nice wooden house built by people near the park cafe.
I think owners of cafes are cat lovers, and they didn't want just to feed them but decided to create a nice Cat Hotel for cold winter days.

Cats liked the idea for sure;))

As a rule such wooden houses are made for dogs here, but why not to do them for cats?
They feel good there, I am sure;)


Cotel? Wow I love it and who ever came up with this idea is a genius!

haha and I like the name;))

Cheers 😁 I love that little cat house and even more the idea that their owners, I guess the business owners, have made something like that for them. Both things work: work and pets.

work + pets + many clients who like pets and respect owners for this Cotel;)

wow that's very nice of the owners to make that shelter for the cats!

haha a creative idea yeahhh;)

Yes creative and nice of them :3.

Omg I love this so much!! Very well done, what a compassionate thing to do, and the cats look soooooo at peace there.

Merry Christmas, my dear Lynds!! How was your holiday? Are you waiting for the New Year? Tomorrow it will be a great holiday for us, our people love it the most, they celebrate it about 10 days;))

Wow a 10 day celebration, I HAVE To go there one day!! It's been quiet around here, the boys were at their Dads for the Christmas break with a lot of family there. I had a very busy time with the store, but other than that very peaceful, just the turkeys, ducks, chickenbitchez, dog and cats all with a mellow vibe as always.

ahh you had a lot of work with bakery? many orders and customers at holidays?
Here New Year time is just crazy time! It seems to me people didn't eat the whole year and start to buy food before the New Year. Crazy queues anywhere, crazy prices, crazy full shopping carts....mad time;)
and then after the 1st of january it's dead time;))
empty streets, closed shops and apocalypsis;))

It sounds so delicious!! Everyone needs to starve themselves all year just to get rid of the calories hehehee

Sis!! where are you?? too busy?