Call for Signature Campaign for Dogs!!!

in Hive Pets3 years ago (edited)

Thousands of dogs were collected in this way



Many animal lovers have been shedding tears because of what has been on the agenda of my country for the last week. In my country, the government took a savage hand in this incident because two pitbull dogs attacked a child.The solution for them is to collect the innocent souls found in the streets and throw them into death traps and forests. Municipalities began to carry out this order in a murderous way. I couldn't stand the videos of collecting dogs online. I started crying even more because there was nothing I could do. Then animal lovers were invited to unite and a petition was launched.

The fate of many dogs is still unknown. We do not know what happened to them where they were collected and taken. Since our shelters were insufficient, they took some of them to deserted places. We learned from the videos that some of them were brutally killed and buried in desolate places. There is real brutality! I couldn't watch most of them because I couldn't stand it. The shouts of the gathered animals do not go out of my ears.
Being helpless to their cries of pain and not being able to help them hurt me deeply. Such videos and pictures continue to come from many cities of my country.

Hundreds of volunteers started a petition. We need 150 thousand signatures. So please join the petition below. We have now collected the signatures of 128 thousand people.

You can reach the signature campaign here.

Please support the petition!

Although we try to be united, we are very few in number. Dogs that could not fit into shelters were left in the mountains and forests. They started killing some of them with guns. Why would a person kill a life? I can't understand how he can torture these innocent animals. All they want is love. It hurt me deeply that there are so many murderous people growing up in my country. Where is this humanity going?



In each city, they collected many stray dogs in the back of trucks, stacked on top of each other and took them to the unknown. We know that many of them were massacred en masse...

So why did I share this?

I felt the urge to do something. I didn't know what to do, I thought, and as a result, I wanted to share with you and get support for the signature.

I'm already trying to support associations and volunteers by dividing the income I earn from here. Now, I will donate the entire proceeds of this article to an animal lover that I have chosen from volunteers. Why did I choose him? In the videos, I saw how the dogs snatched up the dry bread crumbs. Since the food support is not much, he distributes the dry bread collected from the restaurants to the dogs. They are so hungry and helpless that they even eat dry bread. I couldn't control my tears while watching the videos. This is what came to mind when I was thinking of what to do. Years ago, when I first started steemit, we started a campaign in this way and bought shoes for little children who could not buy shoes. Now I want to do this. I don't want money from anyone, just supporting this article is enough for me.

If you want to donate yourself, I will post the instagram account of the animal lover I chose at the end of the article. Those who want to donate there can also do it themselves.

Ekran Alıntısı.PNG

Instagram Account; candostlarbursa

Donation Link;

The person to whom I will give my income is trying to feed the dogs thrown into the mountainous area with his own means and small help from animal lovers. He is completely volunteer. As can be seen from the images, there are no people who support too much food. Therefore, it seemed more appropriate for me to choose this volunteer person. Many volunteers like this are waiting for help. I plan to support them on a rotating basis from time to time. That's all I can do for now. I'm not forcing you to do this either. If you want, you can go to the links I gave and support. Or you can support this post, it's completely up to you. I could not remain silent and did not know what to do, but when I had such an opportunity, I wanted to write here and settle it with my earnings from here.

A solution must be found against stray animals all over the world. The solution is not to kill them, starve them, throw them into desolate areas. It would be much better if every individual and every municipality embraced them and a warm shelter was built. The condition of the shelters is in disgrace. The animals are starving each other there. I wish I could open my home to all the homeless stray animals in the world so that they had a warm home. All I can do is just a little support. But this time, I wanted to expand this support a little bit through hive. That was my sole purpose so please don't get me wrong.



I hope it's not illegal to do this here. If so please let me know. My goal is to fully support and collect signatures. I am waiting for all sensitive hive users to support the signature campaign.

A big thank you to all of you in advance.

By the way, before preparing the video and this post, I reached out to the owner of the page that deals with dogs and asked for his permission.
