This is my first time interacting in this community, although I am someone with many pets, I have barely interacted with some posts of other users in this community, but I wanted to take the initiative and make for the first time a post in this beautiful community, I am someone who has 2 turtles, 1 rabbit, 3 cats and 3 dogs, but today I come to talk about only 1 dog that my girlfriend and I could raise from 0, because the rest of the pets she already had them when I met her, today I come to talk about Luna a dog about 7-6 months old, I adopted her when she was about 2 or 3 months old, that picture you see above is the day when I went to adopt her.
Es mi primera vez interactuando en esta comunidad, a pesar de que soy alguien con muchas mascotas, apenas si he interactuado con algunos post de otros usuarios en esta comunidad, pero he querido tomar la iniciativa y hacer por primera vez un post en esta comunidad tan bonita, soy alguien que tiene 2 tortugas, 1 conejo, 3 gatos y 3 perros, pero hoy les vengo a hablar de solo 1 perro que pudimos criar mi novia y yo desde 0, ya que el resto de mascotas ya ella las tenía cuando la conocí, hoy les vengo a hablar de Luna una perra de unos 7-6 meses, la adopté cuando ella tenía al rededor de 2 o 3 meses, esa foto que ven arriba es del día cuando la fui a adoptar.
Luna is very playful, too much sometimes, she is not at all quiet, if you are lying down and she wants to play, she comes running and jumps on you to bite your hands, depending on the intensity and rudeness with which you play with her, she will bite hard or loose, but normally she likes to play quite rough, so much so that my girlfriend usually gets quite upset because her bites hurt, so it is quite normal that I am the one who always plays with her because I also treat her with some rudeness, it has always been like that since she was a little girl.
Luna es muy juguetona, demasiado en algunas ocasiones, no es para nada tranquila, si estás acostado y ella quiere jugar, viene corriendo y te brinca encima para morderte las manos, dependiendo de la intensidad y la rudeza con la que juegues con ella, ella morderá fuerte o flojo, pero normalmente le gusta jugar con bastante rudeza, tanto así que mi novia suele molestarse bastante porque le duelen sus mordidas, por eso es bastante normal que sea yo el que siempre juega con ella porque yo también la trato con cierta rudeza, siempre ha sido así desde que era pequeña.
Muchas veces nos han preguntado acerca de su raza porque la suelen confundir con un dálmata por sus manchas, pero, en realidad no hace falta observarla tan detenidamente para darse cuenta que no es un dálmata, algo que aún no tengo claro es si seguirá creciendo, no ha llegado a su etapa de adulto pero ha dejado de crecer desde hace un tiempo, no he notado tanta diferencia en su tamaño de ahora con el que tenía hace 1 mes.
Many times we have been asked about her breed because they usually confuse her with a Dalmatian because of her spots, but, actually it is not necessary to observe her so closely to realize that she is not a Dalmatian, something that is still not clear to me is if she will continue to grow, she has not reached her adult stage but she has stopped growing for some time, I have not noticed so much difference in her size now with the one she had 1 month ago.
Many times we laugh because her jaw is shaped in a way that makes the bottom teeth stick out sometimes, when she was little she really liked to sleep laying on people, you could carry her and she would most likely fall asleep in your arms, she likes to go out in the street a lot, as soon as I go outside she runs after me to go out with me, wherever I go she goes with me and she is not disobedient at all, she likes a lot that I grab things from the street like sticks or leaves and throw them, when I throw them at her she catches whatever I threw and runs into the house with the object in her mouth and plays with it until she gets tired of it.
Muchas veces nos reímos porque su mandibula está formada de una manera que hace que los dientes de abajo sobresalgan en algunas ocasiones, cuando estaba pequeña le gustaba mucho dormir encima de la gente, podías cargarla y lo más probable es que se duerma en tus brazos, le gusta mucho salir a la calle, apenas salgo a la calle se pega corriendo detrás mío para salir conmigo, a donde sea que vaya ella va conmigo a mi lado y no es para nada desobediente, le gusta mucho que agarre cosas de la calle como palos u hojas y las lance, cuando se las lanzo ella agarra lo que haya lanzado y se mete a la casa corriendo con el objeto en la boca y juega con eso hasta que se cansa.
De todas las personas, al que más obedece es a mi, algo que se me ha hecho difícil controlar es el hacer que no le quite la comida a los demás animales, cuando le ponemos comida hay que estar muy pendiente de ella porque a veces se monta en la mesa del gato a quitarle su comida, hemos tratado de educarla en ese aspecto pero ha sido algo difícil, pero seguiremos esforzándonos, al levantarme ella va a saludarme, se pega a mi para que la acaricie, le gusta mucho que le acaricien la zona del cuello, pero si intentas a acariciarla en otra zona intentará morderte, pero esto con intenciones de jugar, no puede ver la mínima oportunidad porque instantaneamente empieza a morderte para jugar.
Of all the people, the one she obeys the most is me, something that has been difficult to control is to make her not to take the food from the other animals, when we put food for her we have to be very aware of her because sometimes she rides on the cat's table to take her food, we have tried to educate her in that aspect but it has been difficult, When I get up she goes to greet me, she sticks to me to be petted, she likes to be petted in the neck area, but if you try to pet her in another area she will try to bite you, but this with the intention of playing, she can not see the slightest opportunity because she instantly starts to bite you to play.
Hemos tenido más animales pequeños y siempre hemos tenido que estar pendiente porque nos da miedo que Luna sea muy rudo con ellos y les haga algún tipo de daño, incluso el conejo cuando recien llegó a nuestra casa le tenía miedo a Luna, apenas veía que Luna se acercaba a ella, salía corriendo o le intentaba golpear con las patas, pero con el tiempo ha conseguido perder el miedo, además de ello Luna no juega con él porque mi novia le ha tenido que regañar un par de veces. Este ha sido un pequeño post sobre Luna, una perra muy juguetona que le ha causado un par de dolores de cabeza a mi novia, espero seguir haciendo contenido para esta comunidad espero que les haya gustado, que tengan una buena mañana, tarde o noche!
We have had more small animals and we have always had to be aware because we are afraid that Luna could be very rough with them and do them some kind of damage, even the rabbit when he first came to our house was afraid of Luna, as soon as he saw Luna approaching her, he would run away or try to hit her with his paws, but over time he has managed to lose his fear, besides that Luna does not play with him because my girlfriend has had to scold him a couple of times. This has been a little post about Luna, a very playful dog that has caused a couple of headaches to my girlfriend, I hope to continue making content for this community I hope you liked it, have a nice morning, afternoon or evening!
That smile at the end though, what a cutie hahaha.
Yes, very cute, but don't get distracted because she will start biting your hands haha.
Un buen grupo de mascotas, animan mucho la vida. Lo felicito por salir de su zona habitual, siempre es bueno probar áreas nuevas.
Muchas gracias por tu comentario amigo, así es, alegran mucho la vida a pesar de que a veces hacen que quiera arrancarme los pelos de la cabeza
Luna is adorable, although just look at that smile in the last picture, she looks like she'll rip your hand off if you do anything to her.
Welcome to Hive Pets, homie.
Don't hesitate, I would tear your hand off, but playing of course, thank you very much my friend.