Duke visits a new veterinarian
To my family, Duke is an important member that we care for as much as any of us, and if he is sick, the whole family goes out of their way to help him. Some of my followers and friends know that my dog Duke has a condition on his paws, specifically his paw pads, which are very itchy, to the point of crying and even cutting himself from scratching them with his teeth.
Of all my pets he has been the sickest and also the one who has had more care, making him spoiled and spoiled, but this is not what I came to share, throughout his life he has been in veterinary control with his vaccinations up to date, but no one has found the cause and solution to his problem, all the veterinary doctors conclude that he is allergic and prescribe him anti-allergic drugs, but this does not calm his itching and as the years go by Duke is about to turn 7, he has become bad-tempered, stressed as well as my family, because we all suffer when we see him scratching incessantly and crying.

Duke visita a una nueva veterinaria
Para mi familia, Duke es un miembro importante al que cuidamos como a cualquiera de nosotros, y si él está enfermo, toda la familia se esfuerza por ayudarlo. Algunos de mis seguidores y amigos saben que mi perro Duke tiene una condición en sus patas, específicamente en las almohadillas, que le pican mucho, al punto de llorar y hasta cortarse de tanto rascarse con sus dientes.
De todas mis mascotas él ha sido el más enfermo y también el que más cuidados ha tenido, haciendo que sea un consentido y malcriado, pero esto no es lo que vine a compartir, durante toda su vida ha estado en control veterinario con sus vacunas al día, pero nadie ha dado con la causa y solución de su problema, todos los médicos veterinarios concluyen que es alérgico y le recetan antialérgicos, pero esto no calma su picor y con el pasar de los años Duke ya va a cumplir 7, se ha puesto mal humorado, estresado al igual que mi familia, porque todos sufrimos al verlo rascar sin cesar y llorar.

As a good canine mother, I did not resign myself and kept researching and asking questions until I found a veterinarian specializing in dermatology. To my surprise, there are specialities of all kinds, but being a specialist, the consultations are more expensive. For 3 months we were scraping together the consultation fee $50 and cab fare $25, and I was finally able to get Duke to a new doctor.
Como buena madre canina, no me resigné y seguí investigando y preguntando hasta que di con un médico veterinario en la especialidad de dermatología. Para mi sorpresa, hay especialidades de todo tipo, pero por ser un especialista, las consultas son más caras. Durante 3 meses estuvimos reuniendo el precio de la consulta 50 $ y el precio del taxi 25 $ y por fin pude llevar a Duke a una nueva doctora.

Diagnosis found
My first impression was good, we arrived at the office and had to wait for a patient to come out, when we entered I really liked the office, on the back wall there is a very nice watercolour mural, there was a microscope and a poster with skin diseases in canines, I was amazed at how many there are, it is well detailed. See for yourselves.
The doctor first filled her in on the history and I told her everything that Duke had been through, then she examined him in a normal veterinary consultation and found him fine; however, when she went to the dermatological consultation she saw signs of skin alarms and as he started sneezing she also realized that he is allergic.

Diagnóstico encontrado
Mi primera impresión fue buena, llegamos al consultorio y tuvimos que esperar saliera un paciente, cuando entramos me gusto mucho el consultorio, en la pared de fondo tiene un mural de acuarela bien lindo, había un microscopio y un afiche con las enfermedades de la piel en caninos, me quede sorprendida de la cantidad que existen, está bien detallado. Obsérvenlo ustedes mismos.
La doctora primero le lleno la historia y le dije todo lo que había pasado Duke, después ella lo examinó en una consulta veterinaria normal encontrándolo bien; sin embargo, al pasar a la consulta dermatológica a simple vista le vio signos de alarmas en la piel y como él empezó a estornudar también se dio cuenta de que es alérgico.

She took a skin sample with adhesive tape and put it under the microscope, but as bad luck would have it, the electricity was out, and she had to use the light of the cell phone torch. It also helped him to make a diagnosis.
The dark spots on his skin in the belly area were not age freckles as the other vets told me, they were fungus and the itching on his paws is a dermatomycosis plus a pyoderma, all caused by an allergy that can be food or environmental. That was explained to me well on the board, but the details of the process of how it happens slipped my mind. 😬
Le tomó muestra de piel con cinta adhesiva que fue lo que puso en el microscopio, pero por mala suerte se había ido la electricidad y tuvo que alumbrar con la luz de la linterna del celular. De igual forma le sirvió para dar un diagnóstico.
Las machas oscuras en su piel en la zona de la barriga, no eran pecas de la edad como me decían los otros veterinarios, eran hongo y el picor que tiene en las patas es una dermatomicosis más una piodermia, todo eso causado por una alergia que puede ser alimenticia o del ambiente. Eso me lo explicó bien en la pizarra, pero los detalles del proceso de cómo ocurre se me olvidaron. 😬

The doctor says that the treatment to kill fungus is long, and that allergies you have to find out well what causes them to control them, but you never get rid of them once you have them in your body for so long. He also told me that Duke's skin problems are caused by his allergies, that is the cause of everything. The treatment is very expensive, but we already have a diagnosis and a possible solution.
She sent him a special anti-allergic food, just by the name I knew it would be expensive, it's called Salmon Brit 🥴😱 and a special shampoo also to bathe him every 8 days, plus antibiotic suspension and oral antifungal. With this, Duke should get better, but you have to be patient. 🙏
In a future post, I will tell you what the meds are and how my canine son is evolving. If any of your dogs have skin problems and need a specialist, let me know in the comments and I'll leave you her details. She is located in the city of Maracay, in Aragua, Venezuela.

La doctora dice que el tratamiento para matar los hongos es largo, y que las alergias hay que descubrir bien que las causa para controlarlas, pero nunca se eliminan una vez que se tienen tanto tiempo en su cuerpo. También me dijo que los problemas de piel de Duke vienen por su misma alergia, esa es la causa de todo. El tratamiento es bien costoso, pero ya tenemos un diagnóstico y una posible solución.
Ella le mandó una comida especial antialérgica, nada más con el nombre supe que sería costosa, se llama Brit de Salmón 🥴😱 y un champú especial también para bañarlo cada 8 días, además de antibiótico en suspensión y antimicótico oral. Con esto, Duke debería mejorar, pero hay que tener paciencia. 🙏
En un próximo post, les contaré cuáles son las medicinas y cómo evoluciona mi hijo canino. Si alguno de tus perros tienen problemas de piel y necesitan una especialista, dejámelo saber en los comentarios y te dejo sus datos. Ella se ubica en la ciudad de Maracay, en Aragua, Venezuela.

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Good to hear that Duke got a diagnosis. I imagine allergy is not easy and quick to treat but there is hope. There is a solution, although expensive 🫠
I hope you can manage to get all for him and slowly he gets better. My parents' dog (you know, the old black one, the same breed as Duke) also was diagnosed with allergy, they changed the type of food and he improved his health :))
It seems that this breed is prone to many diseases, the parvovirus attacks them frequently and has reduced its population in my country, Duke got that virus (he has been given everything) although he was vaccinated, but my dog always survives, he knew that being Venezuelan was not going to be easy hehehehehehe.
Thank you very much dear, rest a little, it's too late for you. @mipiano 😙
This post caught my attention because also my dog has always been very allergic, and really what caused allergies especially in the skin, was processed foods, that's why for several years my dog eats only special food that I make at home, I am very sorry that your furry is suffering with these allergies but good that already have a diagnosis, I hope and soon recover your beautiful furry, he deserves to have a full life.
Greetings 😊💕
Wuaoo looks like it's more common than I imagined, I'm glad your doggie is doing better enjoying a balanced meal.
Thank you very much, Duke will start his diet of a special kibble and beef only, I hope also that the shampoo and everything else will make him feel better.
Gracias a Dios pudieron darle un diagnóstico a pesar de la falta de electricidad, y descubrieron lo que realmente aqueja a Duke. Espero que ahora si puedan estar mas tranquilos con el tratamiento.
Eso espero, Dios quiera que si, gracias Marluy.
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