
This is a cool tarantula, the picture you show is very cool.

This one is much smaller than a tarantula, I also have a pet tarantula about the size of my hand.

Wow, cool.
That sounds horrifying for the size of a hand.

I have a blue one and a rose colored one. The blue one can't be handled but the rosehair can. 2015_12_12_17.28.17.jpg

Aww what a cutie.. Love her green tones. And cant go close to mine. Like she is scared of me

This one used to be scared of me until I got her used to being handled.

Foto yang sanggat sempurna

Very interesting drawing of a spider, you put it in your hand, is it not dangerous to bite.

They don't tend to bite large things. They only bite stuff they want to eat for food.

Oee. but the spider has beautiful hair

😯😳 "has been getting bigger and bigger"
Wow...!! Awesome beautiful excellent photos. Totally cool video.!
Watching the jumping spider crawl on your hand and up your arm was delightfully creepy to watch..!
I'm not terrified or freaked out by long as I see them first👀👀👀😁🕸

I think this is about as big as she'll get. The only problem with handling these spiders is they always put down a safety line of web, so you end up getting covered in web.

I've seen many many amazing artistic Spider webs..!
Most interesting and fascinating jumping spiders put down a safety line of web.
😁🙂I'm totally all about spider safety..!!!

These little jumpers aren't too artistic with their webs, they mostly create web sac to hide in.

I have one too! It’s crazy how big they can get. And they’re so cute 😍 they’re quite happy to explore when they’re used to it and don’t even want to go back in their enclosures once they’ve been out. Your pics are quite similar to the one’s I’ve happened to capture. 😀🕷 nice work

Is your's a daring jumping spider or a different species like a regius? Mine consistently comes out when the sunrays hit her enclosure, she warms up then goes hunting or webbing up her enclosure. I used to have to let her jump from hand to hand to tire her out, but now she's used to my hand and is not as hyper scared of being handled.

Mine is a Phiddipus Audax aka daring, bold or curious jumping spider. It's pretty cold here right now and he/she(still young) likes to hang out on the side of the enclosure nearest the wood stove. My first one escaped. I stupidly left the enclosure near ground level in the summer and one of our chickens came a long. As chickens tend to peck at anything they think might be food, they 'unplugged' the feeding hole. At least this is the only thing I could think of, I know I didn't take the earplug out myself and leave it on the ground. Hopefully she didn't just become a chicken snack and managed to escape off into the wilds at the least.
I've always wondered about owning a Tarantula, but it's admittedly a bit more 'freaky' than the cuteness of the jumping spiders. Have you ever been bit?

I've never been bitten other than by a random yellow sac web spider that crawled in my bed to get warm and it bit me when I rolled over. Those guys are bad news in fall they all go to warm areas when it gets cold and they aren't afraid to bite. I've never been bitten by my pet spiders including my tarantulas, though I can't handle one of my tarantulas (a cobalt blue) as it is short haired and will think anything in its cage is food. I bet your escaped jumper built a hibernating web sac somewhere for the winter, you might see it again in the spring.

I’m glad to hear that you haven’t been bitten by a tarantula. And even so it probably wouldn’t be that bad from what I understand but admittedly they’re more freaky to handle than the relatively small jumpers. So far I’ve not had much luck coming across wild daring jumpers. I believe I’ve found some regius but they don’t seem as friendly as the bold ones(other than that first one, which seemed to fall in love at first sight, but I couldn’t keep a second one at the time.) And if I could find my old one, that’d be awesome cause I was pretty attached before the big escape. I’ve gotten mine from a local breeder. I’ll have to get some posts up on the topic 🙂

I'll be looking forward to your spider posts. I have some zebra looking jumpers over here as well but they are tiny and really fast so I never tried keeping them. I would need to raise fruit flies for them or something small like that for feeding. I also have a pet vinegaroon that is a pretty hilarious pet with personality.

Vinegaroon... haha I had to look that up. Thats awesome 😎 If you’re ever looking for some vinegar for your fries you wont have to go far, at the expense of pissing them off 😉😆

Oooh! Please do more posts on your arachnids! Whip-scorpions are so weirdly adorkable. Looks like Carl sprays in this video? If so, how strong is the vinegar smell, does it hang on for a long time or disappear within moments?


She's soooo pretty. Do you have a name for her?

Hahah I don't have a proper name yet, for some reason I call her spidercorn.

She is the narwhal of spiders.

Jumping Spider will always give its own beauty color.

Their fangs has all sorts of different metallic colors.

Agree, it looks unique, and also the spider eye part is always the center of attention.

Lograste fotos muy hermosas! Hasta ahora no he conocido a nadie que tenga arañas como mascotas. Has domado a todas tus compañeras araña de la misma forma? Te fue difícil?

Estos tipos de arañas son fáciles de domesticar como la mayoría de las arañas. Tengo una tarántula azul cobalto que es indómita porque tiene el pelo corto y no puede detectar qué es comida y qué no, por lo que muerde cualquier cosa en su jaula jajaja.

very unique and rare spider

She has quite a personality.

This is both adorable and informative and I love it! Glad to see you're making progress with her, albeit slowly, haha. Not the most trusting of critters, are they. Thank you for sharing the cuteness of spiders on the blockchain! I hope this helps others realise that most are harmless and shy.

I'd like to invite you to join our Arachnids community and share your arachnid content in cross-posts with us.


Cool I'll definitely join the community. I have a couple other spiders and a vinegaroon to introduce to the community lol.


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