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RE: A Man's Bestfriend

in Hive Pets2 years ago

I feel you on this one, dog truly are a man's bestfriend, angels in a furry disguise.

Whether it be a stray dog from my area or one of my own, they bring me so much joy; just feeding them a biscuit and scratching their head alone is enough to win over their hearts. In return we are showered with their love and handed over the key to their trust. All they ask for is a bit of love and care; as you take care of them and provide them with the very common day to day things, they are then just ready to give their life for you in return. There's no other being as selfless as a dog.

We used to have a little puppy we got from the streets, back in around 2005. We took him in and trained him well for quite a while, named him with the very common name "Tommy" haha. He was a fast learner too and had the traits of a proper guard dog, but one day when we came downstairs to feed him, he was nowhere to be found. The locals say that he was taken away, stolen by someone; we tried our best to scour through the neighboring areas to find him, but we just couldn't track him down.

We were left heart broken and empty after that day, we never even thought about getting another dog after that incident. From then we just focused more on taking care of most of the street dogs in the neighborhood, feeding and providing them with shelter has been the ultimate goal since then.


I'm sorry to hear that 🥺 I can't imagine the pain that scenario has caused you, I know it's beyond unimaginable. Losing a loved one no matter if it's a human or a pet is unbearable that's why I understand what you felt at that moment. Wherever your dog might be, I know he will be in a better place without the cruelty of people.

He was one of the toughest and smartest dogs I've ever seen, I can bet that he's doing alright. Hopefully he's doing well. ❤️