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RE: Sleepy helper

in Hive Pets2 years ago

Cats don't plagiarise either.

My sister used to have a cat and when it was moth season Dad used to walk around the house and hold her up to the ceiling so she could swipe moths. She'd go totally limp in his hands, totally trusting.

I have chickens, but we couldn't bear to get another dog (we are dog people) because if we go travelling we might have to leave it and it'd break our hearts.


Lol, nope they do not...they're as honest as it gets.

You raise a good point about travelling and one I'm mindful of for sure. For shorter trips I have a trustworthy sitter, for up to 4-5 weeks. Longer and I'd be reluctant to leave her. This is why I probably won't get another after Cleo is gone. It will mean a large chunk of my life would be missing, but it's not fair on the cat, you know?

It's not, hey. You'll miss her terribly when she goes. I do hear cats have a way of finding you though, you may not have a choice...