Por aquí les dejo una imágen donde esta con una de sus nueva dueña:

Por aquí les comparto el post de la fundación donde sale ella en su nuevo hogar:
Greetings to all happy week recharged with lots of energy and good vibes for everyone, this time I bring you another special publication that I want to share with you.
Today this publication takes an unexpected turn because I want to talk a little about a beautiful experience and with a bit of nostalgia because even though everything happened in a short time, and we had a nice memory.
It all starts one day when we were coming from training @nahupuku and myself and arriving near the residence where we live, we saw a beautiful and beautiful kitten about 2 months old, in a street situation and in danger because she was exposed to be run over by a car or simply poisoned by people who have no heart, we decided to rescue her by placing her with other kittens living inside the residence, and take her away from danger but the kittens to be very territorial did not get along well with the cat.
We shared approximately 1 hour with her in the open spaces of the residence so that she would gain confidence and not run away again to the street, while @nahupuku and myself thought about what we were going to do for her to be safe, we decided to leave her in a place where she was calm and proceeded to go up to the apartment which I was very worried and nervous for her.
After a couple of hours Nahu had to go out for a moment and when he came back he rang the doorbell and when I opened the door I found out that he had taken the kitten upstairs, she was all alone near the entrance of the building, and that's why Nahu decided to take her upstairs. As soon as I put her on one of the furniture, she lay down and fell asleep for a few hours while we looked for a way to get her an improvised box and soil for her to do her needs, as well as food for her to eat while we thought about adapting a small space for her to stay for a few days.
For a week we shared, we played, I had to sleep with her in her space because I was afraid to leave her alone for being so small, they are like babies and I as a mother felt the need to take care of her and protect her as well as Nahu who sometimes took turns with me.
We had the obligation to look for a better home for her because we were worried that both of us would go back to work and she would be left alone, which would not be fair to her, knowing that because she is two months old she needs a lot of attention, games, and a very good feeding, besides she had to have her veterinary control and Nahu and I could not afford that due to lack of money.
This princess who conquered our hearts, was always very grateful to us for rescuing her from danger and giving her security and confidence, and while I was writing and contacting foundations, so that they would spread the word that she was looking for a home where she would be given love and protection, I also reviewed very carefully as there were people in this same campaign talking about bad experiences in recognized shelters where they rescued animals but put them to sleep (sacrifice) as well as there were people looking for pets but to do other things like rituals or sacrifices, something that we do not agree with this type of practice and we do not agree with animal abuse.
This also made me follow these pages where I learned and saw how the adoption process is adequate and safe, and coincidentally one day the president of a very well known foundation in Caracas - Venezuela wrote me telling me that her best friend wanted to adopt Isis, that's how Nahu and I had called her, and that the most exciting thing was that she was going to have a mega space since she lived in a wealthy and safe area but with that space that the cat required and that she was going to take care of all the expenses of veterinary consultation, deworm her and put her like a queen, So I saw her credibility and the level of concern we had because her food was running out and we decided to agree on the delivery but at the same time we were sad because we had already become very attached to her.
The day of the delivery arrived and we prayed and talked to Isis about getting her love, protection and joy that week and that she would be much better off in a home where they were waiting for her to continue giving her love and protection, I do not deny that I felt like crying at the time of delivery but it was a decision we had to make for her good.
When she arrived at her new home, they decided to name her Salome, and for us she will continue to be called Isis Salome.
Finally I want to leave my best vibes and wishes to all of you and have a happy start of the week.

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Isis llego a nuestra vida para cambiarla muchísimo, la extraño bastante pero se que esta muy bien atendida y querida en un mejor lugar para ella!
Yo también la extraño mucho y es inevitable que no se me aguen los ojitos pero si está en un lugar donde la quieren y la cuidan... Muchas gracias por pasar amor y comentar sabes que eso lo valoro bastante 🙏❤️🙏
asi es :) sip
Que bella gatita, que hermosa Isis, me recordó cuando uno de mis niños se me presento con una gatita igual de pequeña, tampoco la podíamos tener porque ya teníamos a una gorda hermosa llamada Aurora y no podemos tener otra mascota, porque como dices generan sus gastos y si se va a tener una mascota, hay que tenerla como debe ser. Así es que tambien le buscamos un lugar donde pronto fue adoptada y tambien por una familia pudiente, fue una buena obra y esa sensación aparte de la tristeza que genera entregarla, lo compensa. Me encanto leerte linda, un abrazo, saludos a @nahupuku !
Gracias por pasar y comentar, que bueno que tú también lograrás que ese hermoso ser consiguiera un hogar!! Te mando un fuerte abrazo y por supuesto muchas bendiciones para ti y tu familia 🙏
muchos saludos de vuelta :D
Que hermosa historia! Y es bellísima esa gatita! 😍
Así es!!! Es una historia llena de magia.... Muchas gracias por pasar y comentar. Saludos
Creo que fue la mejor decisión posible teniendo en cuenta los peligros de la calle y la gente que a veces no tiene un buen día y se la desquita con los indefensos.
Ahora recibirá mucho amor y seguramente lo demuestre con gran cariño.
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Nada es causalidad en esta vida... que llegara a ustedes fue un gran mensaje y sé que esos días sirvieron para muchas cosas, ya que los animalitos tienen ese poder de enseñarnos algo más allá de lo visible. Me encantaron ambos nombres y más aún, el final o mejor dicho, el nuevo comienzo para ella 🌹💖
Hicieron algo muy bonito hermanita, hasta yo leyendo me sensibilicé porque debió ser duro salir de ella, sin embargo, hicieron buena labor de inteligencia para que cayera en manos protectoras, amorosas y seguras 🙏❤️
Un abrazote fuerte para ambos, en algún momento llegará otra Isis pero para quedarse 😸💞... You Rockkkk!!!! 👍😎🔥☕❤️
Hermanito creeme que hoy tengo los sentimientos a flor de piel por qué me fue difícil volver a ver las imágenes y darme ternura cada recuerdo pero mi conciencia está tranquila por qué está segura y feliz como siempre ha sido ella, gracias por tu comentario hermano... Se te quiere mucho 🤟❤️🤟
Hola amiga, que bonito ese gesto de parte de ustedes poder darle cariño y amor a ese gato y de esa manera se sintiera más cómoda y me gusto ver cómo se adaptó muy rápido, y con tan sólo poco mese de nacido son muy tiernos y cuando se crea un relación con ellos es casi imposible dejarlos. Éxitos y que la pasen de maravilla.
Muchas gracias por pasar y por dejar un comentario a esta experiencia @davidpena21 me alegra saber de ti y que sigas creciendo en esta maravillosa plataforma... exitos y bendiciones para ti