i think if it was your kid or yourself being attacked to death you would killed those dogs no matter how smart, cool and pretty they are.
i have been attacked by 3 dogs owned by a bum and they jumped on me while i was protecting my mum, they didnt do too much damages on me but i bled...but it would have gone a little too far, my knife was ready to cut their throat with zero pity.
we do live in a crazy system in which everyone hit walls but there is limit to stupidity.
i understand your love for dogs and you may have been a good mother if you had children but it's on the edge fanatic.
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If I had a child I would prevent this from happening at all costs. A child of mine would NEVER, and I mean NEVER, be around while my dogs were being fed. A child of mine would NEVER be alone with dogs, it wouldn't matter how much I trusted my dogs.
I know all too well that a dog and a child alone can never be trusted. I was attacked badly by our dog as a child, and thank God they were able to patch up my face. The glasses that I always cursed protected my eyes, but my face was seriously cut from the bites. But I NEVER blamed the dog for that incident.
Also, the next time he bit me in the leg, which left me in bed for 3 weeks with a serious infection, I never blamed the dog. And my parents didn't ask for the dog to be put down either. What they did do was take me to obedience training with the dog, so that the dog learned to accept me as higher in rank than him.
When that did not seem to have sufficient results they started looking for an address where the dog could continue to live happily without coming into contact with children. And as long as the dog still lived with us I was given STRICT rules about what I was and was not allowed to do.
I understand very well that this is a somewhat different story because it had a fatal outcome for the child. And that is of course horrible. But this could have been prevented ... and my opinion is that this did not have to cost the dogs their lives. I understand very well that the mother no longer wants them, but killing them because of natural behavior? That's a No-Go for me.
Yes, I may be a bit fanatic, but I have respect for animals and life. I also believe that if you have animals, you should ALWAYS understand, accept, and respect their behavior. If you do that, then these kinds of incidents cannot happen.
thank you for your insight, i am an animal lover too and thats why i didnt touch them when they jumped on me, because i understood they were not happy dogs being so agressive and living in the street.
it is a difficult choice to kill an animal and i agree it is way better to teach them and humans to respect eachothers.
but sometimes there is no choice, sometimes someone dies.