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RE: Sleepy helper

in Hive Pets2 years ago

Firstly, I have learned so many words that are particular to cats just from this post.

I think the more complex the composition of something is, the more complex it is in interacting with them. Take cats and dogs, for example. Their minds are not as complex as ours. They are not complex enough to think deeply about what it is they want for themselves, even if it harms the other person. It is not complex enough to want to leave the other person in a state of deceit. It is not complex enough to make having a simple and lovely symbiotic relationship with them hard to attain.

I have never had a pet before. I have always wanted to have a pet while growing up, but my parents never agreed to that. Maybe because catering for a healthy pet does not come cheap. But now that I am all grown up and independent, I really do need a friend that does not judge. I would actually prefer to have a dog.

The relationship you have with your cat is so sweet and adorable. And the way your cat sleeps often shows that he (or she) is living the good life in your hands. You sure are taking very good care of it.

Is it the same cat that you have had since 2011?


Cleo is the cat I mentioned I got in 2011, yes, so she's 11 years old. I had a black cat called Merlin who, sadly, died in 2020, I had him for 22 years and he was the best friend I ever had. I remember all my pets fondly though and when they're with me I treat them like family members, like I would my children if I had any.

Having a pet makes me a happier man on a daily basis and I think that's a good thing. Maybe you will find out for yourself someday; I hope so.