Little Hannah

in Hive Pets2 years ago



Hello Hivers! I hope you are doing well. I want to say hello to Hive pets community. Today I want to introduce you to my niece Beatriz's new pet. She is a parakeet that is days old and that my niece has decided to call Hannah.



These little birds are known as dirty-faced parakeet, but its scientific name is Eupsittula pertinax. These small birds are family of parrots and are native to South American countries. In Venezuela it is very common for families to have parakeets as pets. Likewise these birds are everywhere, in my city it is very common to see them flying in pairs and hear their peculiar sound.

I personally do not like to see birds locked up in jaluas. These animals were born to fly and be free. Seeing how people lock them up gives me a lot of pain and sadness. I am very happy that one of the conditions to have Hannah as a pet is that she will be free in the house and that she will have an adequate space where she can fly and hang on small pieces of wood.

Hannah's story is a bit sad. My sister was running errands when she saw a man selling several baby parakeets. The gentleman approached my sister to sell her a pair of parakeets so she could have the male and female. My sister did not want to at first since having a parakeet represents a great responsibility, but when she saw them so helpless she decided to take one and chose little Hannah. It is very sad that people dedicate themselves to the trade of these wild birds. The man asked for money or food in exchange for the parakeets. I think that my sister is encouraging this practice by buying it, but the truth is that we do not know what would have been Hannah's fate if my sister had not chosen her.


The one who is very happy and content is my niece Beatriz, who already considers Hannah as part of the family. She is very attentive to her, she likes to feed her and clean her when she does her needs. Hannah is still small, she still has to grow her feathers and learn to talk. But what I am sure of is that she will never lack love and attention. Thanks for reading my post, any comment or suggestion you can leave it here below, I would love to read it. See you next time.



Yo tuve una lorita de esos cuando estaba pequeña, era muy cariñosas y algo temperamental, tienen mucha personalidad , hasta trataba de picotear a los gatos y a los perros jajaja

Jajaja qué tremenda. Espero con el tiempo seguir escribiendo sobre la evolución de Hannah. Gracias por el comentario 🙌

Hermosa tu lorita, cuídala mucho, esperamos verla pronto de nuevo.

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Abrazos y Muchas Bendiciones.


Gracias. En unos días publicaré su evolución 😁 saludos

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