Introducing Muffin!

in Hive Pets3 years ago (edited)


Hello all new friends! I am Muffin!

(Also known as "Stony River's Knickers in a Twist".)

I am posting on Ninnu's account while Ninnu is playing with daddy.

I am 8 months old, and I am a very small, but also very cute Russian Tsvetnaya Bolonka.

Two days ago, I was adopted into Ninnu's family because my original family could no longer give me a stay place, and my breeder wanted me to find a new home.

I was a bit timid at first, but Ninnu was very welcoming, and so was my new big brother Miro, whom with I immediately connected with. I think he is my soulmate, he makes me wag my tail so much, and I want to give him extra kisses all the time.

I also like my new mommy and daddy, and my older big brother Leo, but I'm still a bit shy around him.

Today I met a dog from the neighbours, he was nice too!

The house is so big I get a bit nervous when getting back from my walks, and I sometimes don't want to get in, but I'm getting used to it. And the elevator is just too scary. Ninnu isn't afraid at all, but I get claustrophobic in it, and our leashes always get tangled. Although, last time it wasn't nearly as bad as it was before. Phew.

Anyway, I wish that we will be seeing each other much more in the future!



Hey Ninnu! Thanks for the follow!!



Thank You for the visit! I noticed you like us dogs! 🐾
After being away from Hive for such a long time, I just published a new dogblog post of me, Muffin and our family.

See you!

Wof Wof!

Wow! A new puppy! How nice for Ninnu!

Hi Muffin, you look so cute!

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Such a nice Wogf

So cute!

Hello muffin 😍😀😀😘💓🐕🐕🐕nice to meet you 🐩🐾🐹🐾

well hello there muffin. nice to meet you

Hello muffin 😍😍😍🤗🤩you are so cute

Cute, I've never heard of that breed before


We are a rather new breed, that was started in the Soviet Union in 1951. Our breed specification and the standard (written in 1962) was accepted for standardification by the All-Union Canine Council under the Soviet Ministry of Agriculture in 1966, and later in 1997 by the Russian kynological federation, РКФ (RKF).

Members of Russkaya Tsvetnaya Bolonka, bolonki are a friendly, vivid and balanced natured breed, bred to be a small companion dog.

Sadly bolonki have not been recogniced by the FCI (Federation Cynologique Internationale) yet, but hopefully soon.

Woff woff! 🐾

Hi cute muffin.

So, you get a new family and all of you help to adjust there, i think later you will be a greater part of the family like ninnu.


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