[ENG/ESP] The little chickens are already a week old/ Los pequeños pollos ya tienen una semana de haber nacido.

in Hive Pets4 days ago
Authored by @Merlyned


Hello dear friends of this beautiful Hive Pets community, today I will talk to you about these four chicks that have been born for a week and are active.

The chicken stays with them in a space that I placed for them and takes care of them very well. The good thing about them is that they don't get the water container very dirty.

At the moment they should be given their food wet with water so that they can digest it very well and are effective for their development.

Hola queridos amigos de esta hermosa comunidad Hive pets, hoy les hablaré sobre estos cuatro pollitos que ya llevan una semana de haber nacido y estan activos.

La gallina se mantiene con ellos en un espacio que les ubiqué y los cuida muy bien, lo bueno de ellas es que no ensucia mucho el recipiente de agua.

A ellos por los momentos se les debe dar su alimento mojado con agua para que lo puedan digerir muy bien y son efectivos para su desarrollo.


They usually get out of the cage a little but then come back in, they know that there is danger outside and that they can easily be eaten.

The hawks spend their time in the garden spying on the trees, one of their delicacies is the chicks and if they see them alone they kill them and take them in their talons.

When I get close, the chicken starts pecking me and that scares me a little because it is a breed of fighting chicken.

Suelen salirse un poco de la jaula pero luego vuelven a entrar, ellos saben que hay peligro afuera y que fácilmente los pueden comer.

Los gavilanes se la pasan en el jardín espiando sobre los árboles, uno de sus manjares son los pollitos y si los ven solos los matan y se los llevan entre sus garras.

La gallina cuando me acerco comienza a tirarme picotazos y eso me da un poco de miedo debido a que tiene raza de gallina de pelea.



For now the hens are producing four to five chicks each and it is a acceptable amount because we are in a warm climate.

I have others laid out and they don't have much time left to remove, I'm making more cages because most of them are complete.

Author: @merlyned
Telephone: Estudio Blu.
I hope you like the post, greetings.

Por ahora las gallinas estan sacando de cuatro a cinco pollitos cada una y es una cantidad pasable porque estamos con un clima cálido.

Tengo otras echadas y les falta poco tiempo para sacar, ando haciendo mas jaulas porque la mayoria están completas.

Autor: @merlyned
Teléfono: Blu studio.
Espero que el post les sea de su agrado, saludos.


What a joy that these four chicks were born, how beautiful it is to see that the mother is with them and takes good care of them, thank you very much for letting us know about these chicks and the beautiful photographs @merlyned

Thank you, these chicks were born active and I hope to continue having this variety because they are resistant, greetings @miprimerconcurso

Los pollitos sin animalitos nuy adorables