The Adventure of Earning Milho's Wild Heart

in Hive Pets9 months ago

Little kittens, I've raised before. But Milho is the first who arrived in my life with so much fear of humans. We don't know where he came from... Where were his Mama and littermates? We're just glad that he found his way to C, who began to gain his trust by leaving food out for him. Scroll to the bottom to see the first two photos that C made when Milho first showed up here.
That was in April. He's been living inside the house for about a month now and he is still wary of us humans. We've taken to closing the living room at night, so that he can't sleep up inside the couch.
The latest updates are that Milho is indeed sleeping in my bed again, the past 3 nights. The first night, he stayed by my feet... and then the second he came up closer to me... the weather is chilly and sharing body heat is too good to resist maybe. Last night he slept close again and was completely unafraid of me this morning, only glad and purring for pets and even allowed me to give him a few kisses on top of his head.
He let the man-human AND C both, pet him the most that he has thus far...and he snuggled next to me on the couch the other night. He also sat tangential to my lap with his two front paws up on my leg for a good five minutes yesterday morning. Oh how I long for him to just climb up onto my lap. I think he will eventually.
As we have set the goal to have him seen by a veterinarian this month, it feels like an encouraging 1st of July!






😍 OMG is cuteeeeee

He really is so craaaaazy cute. 😋

You're making excellent progress
