Saludos mis amigos amantes de las mascotas
Roko tambien esta disfrutando de sus vacaciones navideñas,hicimos una parada en el paramo venezolano y bajamos a roko para que explorara un poco este tipo de ambiente que nunca antes lo ha explorado, estaba muy emocionado olfateando todo a su alrededor, y ansioso, queria caminar y caminar por todos lados, hasta tomo agua de las cascadas del lugar, no sabia si tenia frio, pero si se sentia bien frio su pelaje.
En el lugar habian varios perros de la zona, querian jugar con roko, pero nos dio miedo y lo levantamos para protegerlo de los perros, los perros no se veian agresivos, pero por precaucion lo protegimos
Y roko sigue disfrutando de sus vacaciones en las alturas.
Greetings my pet-loving friends
Roko is also enjoying his christmas holidays, we made a stop in the venezuelan paramo and we took roko down to explore this kind of environment that he has never explored before, he was very excited sniffing everything around him, and anxious, he wanted to walk and walk everywhere, he even drank water from the waterfalls of the place, he didn't know if he was cold, but his fur felt very cold.
In the place there were several dogs in the area, they wanted to play with roko, but we were afraid and we lifted him up to protect him from the dogs, the dogs did not look aggressive, but as a precaution we protected him.
And roko is still enjoying his holidays in the heights.
Todo el contenido es de mi autoría y las imágenes son de mi propiedad
Fotos fueron tomadas con mi Honor Xa plus
Traducido con Deepl
Separador editado en Canva
All content is my own and the images are my property.
Photos were taken with my Honor Xa plus
Translated with Deepl
Publisher edited in the application Canva
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