Holaa hola a todos los amigos (as) de la gran comunidad de @hivepets, hoy tengo el gusto de presentarles a mi perrito Newton de 10 años de edad, un poodle muy noble, consentido y amoroso como ningún otro.
Hello hello to all friends of the great community of @hivepets, today I am pleased to introduce you to my 10 year old dog Newton, a very noble, spoiled and loving poodle like no other.
El nació un 2 de marzo del 2012 y de esa camada de cachorritos él era el único machito/perrito, de pelaje negro azabache. Al principio no teníamos muy claro cuál sería su nombre, primero le llamamos thunder porque era muy tremendo como cualquier otro cachorro de 3 meses de edad, pero le cambiamos el nombre a Newton ya que, mi mami abuela no sabía cómo pronunciar “Thunder” y lo llamaba por todos los nombres menos ese.
He was born on March 2, 2012 and from that litter of puppies he was the only male/puppy, jet black fur. At first we were not very clear about what his name would be, first we called him thunder because he was very tremendous like any other 3 month old puppy, but we changed his name to Newton because, my mommy grandma did not know how to pronounce "Thunder" and called him by all names but that one.
De cachorrito era muy travieso, corría por todos lados, jugada con todo lo que tuviese a su alcance hasta con mis orejas 👀. No podía dormir solito así que se acostumbró desde pequeño a dormir conmigo y hasta el día de hoy lo hace. Él es un perrito muy cariñoso con los niños, jóvenes y abuelitos, sobre todo con mi mami abuela que él era su amigo fiel, dónde ella se encontrara él estaría acostado en su cama o simplemente haciendo compañía a sus pies.
As a puppy he was very naughty, he ran everywhere, played with everything within reach, even with my ears 👀. He couldn't sleep on his own so he got used to sleep with me since he was a little boy and he still does to this day. He is a very affectionate doggy with children, young people and grandparents, especially with my mommy grandmother who was his faithful friend, wherever she was he would be lying on her bed or just keeping her company at her feet.
Lo que más le encanta a Newton es salir a pasear al parque, solo digo la palabra mágica "Vamos" y levanta sus orejitas como: ¿Vamos al parque ya ya ya? Jajajaja me encanta cuando hace eso, aparte que ya sabe cuándo es la hora de su paseo, se levanta de su camita y se sienta a mi lado en silencio y ya sé que él quiere salir a pasear, esto es todos los días así el clima no esté acto para salir. No solo se alegra con las salidas al parque, le encanta viajar en la ventana del carro y que el viento le levante las orejitas.
What Newton loves the most is to go for a walk in the park, I just say the magic word "Let's go" and he raises his little ears like: Let's go to the park already already already already? Hahahaha I love it when he does that, besides he already knows when it's time for his walk, he gets up from his bed and sits next to me in silence and I know he wants to go for a walk, this is every day even if the weather is not right for going out. He is not only happy to go to the park, he loves to ride in the window of the car and have the wind blow his ears up.
Newton siempre está conmigo en todo momento del día, haciendo ejercicios y hasta en la oficina de trabajo está allí con su almohada y cobija. Podría decirse que es muy apegado a nosotros, si no estamos con él se deprime y no come hasta que alguno de la familia llegue a la casa. Una de sus cualidades aparte de ser un perrito muy inteligente es que es bastante limpio, solo hace sus necesidades en la calle en la hora del paseo.
Newton is always with me at all times of the day, doing exercises and even in the office at work he is there with his pillow and blanket. You could say that he is very attached to us, if we are not with him he gets depressed and does not eat until one of the family comes home. One of his qualities apart from being a very intelligent dog is that he is quite clean, he only does his needs in the street at walk time.
Él nos demuestra su amor todos los días, está ahí conmigo para todo, en mis momentos muy buenos y en los malos también, para recargarme de tranquilidad. Su amor es incondicional, me llena y me hace muy feliz.
He shows us his love every day, he is there with me for everything, in my very good moments and in the bad ones too, to recharge me with peace of mind. His love is unconditional, it fills me and makes me very happy.
Un animalito es una responsabilidad y no un juguete, hay que tener el control de sus vacunas, una alimentación balanceada y atención, recordando que ellos son parte fundamental del núcleo familiar.
A pet is a responsibility and not a toy, it is necessary to control their vaccinations, a balanced diet and attention, remembering that they are a fundamental part of the family nucleus.
Gracias por leer amigos, espero que tengan un gran día.✨
Thanks for reading friends, I hope you have a great day.✨
Todas las fotos son de mi autoría/ All photos are by me
Tradución realizada en Deepl.com/ Translation by Deepl.com
Muchas gracias por el apoyo 😊😊
Newton is beautifulll, although, I find it pretty amazing how you guys went from "Thunder" to "Newton", isn't it a little bit more complicated? Your grandmother liked that name? haha.
It's true that a pet can become very important in the family, my mom also used to tell me that they are not a toy, but a member of the family. They are just loaded with love :)
You have to love them very much, and I am very happy that this furry companion has been with you for 10 years. Let's hope it will be many more :)
Yes he is very beautiful, it's a funny anecdote with my grandmother, she had a hard time with the name thunder and Newton was easier to pronounce but in the end she ended up calling him "daddy"👀🤣
Thank you very much for your support, happy day ✨
Que cool como su pelaje fue aclarando, no había visto eso antes. Me gusta más el nombre Newton y es mejor porque así tu abuela puede pronunciarlo, ese perrito es bello jajaja, que bueno que disfruta saliendo al parque y también que bueno que tiene una familia que lo ama y lo consiente mucho
Siii, fue aclarando a medida que iba creciendo y ahora está super gris 😆 gracias por comentar amigo, saludos.😊
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