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RE: 2 months with Caitlyn

in Hive Pets • 3 days ago

She'll be clingy for a while and once she's reaching almost a year, she'll behave like a teenager 😄. Sometimes, they can be a bit rebellious and once they are older they can get quite distant too and needing a lot of alone time. Enjoy cuddling with her as she's only 3 months old 😊


is this the sad reality I'll have? omg it's like raising an actual human but the phases go by so much faster 😭😭😭 i don't think I'm ready to have a rebellious teenager yet

hahahaha be ready to have some broken plates, ceiling or anything really. And pelase have them neutered if you don't want kitten since during their heat phase, it's gonna get a little annoying with their meows but they'll be clingy too 😆