Saludos gatunos a todos mis queridos amigos de la comunidad hive pets, una vez mas me encuentro por aca por una de mis comunidades favoritas, donde se puede llevar seguimiento de nuestra mascotas, en este caso y como en todas mis publicaciones hablare de mi querida gata Lilic y sus vivencias en nuestro hogar

Cat greetings to all my dear friends of the hive pets community, once again I am here in one of my favorite communities, where you can keep track of our pets, in this case and as in all my publications I will talk about my dear cat Lilic and her experiences in our home
Una de las cosas de las que siempre ando muy al pendiente es de la alimentación de Lilic, y es que no solamente ella se alimenta de lo que caza sino que tambien tiene su desayuno seguro en casa, y es que en las mañanas al levantarme lo primero que hago despues de asistir al baño es ir a servirle de comer a lilic
One of the things that I am always very aware of is Lilic's diet, and that is that not only does she eat what she hunts, but she also has her safe breakfast at home, and that is that in the mornings when I get up I eat The first thing I do after going to the bathroom is go serve Lilic food.

Hace un par de meses atrás mi gata era alimentada con comida cocida, entre sus platos favoritos conseguimos los granos con arroz y cualquier derivado de pescado, ahora si hablamos de pollo, las menudencias era uno de sus platillos aunque no favorito si tenia hambre lo devoraba por completo y es que si con suerte habia cazado algun animalito y comido, ella rechazaba su desayuno si tenia que ver algo con pollo, extraño pero no es muy amante a pollo y sus derivados.
A couple of months ago my cat was fed with cooked food, among her favorite dishes we got grains with rice and any derivative of fish, now if we talk about chicken, the offal was one of her dishes, although not her favorite, if she was hungry she devoured it completely and it is that if with luck she had hunted some animal and eaten, she rejected her breakfast if it had to do with chicken, strange but she is not very fond of chicken and its derivatives
Una mañana me levanto a atenderle el desayuno y la noto con semblante de cansancio, me parecio extraño y pense que se trataría de una noche de aventuras gatunas con otro gato , sin embargo no fue así , al entrar al baño de la casa, note que habia vomitado y olía bastante fuerte, saque cuentas que era ella y que algo que se comio le hizo una mala digestión, tanto así que nisiquiera se acercó a ver su plato de desayuno a la cocina , esto por supuesto me alertó ...
One morning I get up to serve her breakfast and I notice her with a tired face, it seemed strange to me and I thought that it would be a night of cat adventures with another cat, however it was not like that, when I entered the bathroom of the house, I noticed that She had vomited and it smelled quite strong, I figured out that it was her and that something she ate gave her bad digestion, so much so that she didn't even come close to see her breakfast plate in the kitchen, this of course alerted me...

Sali a trabajar y de regreso la consegui durmiento, el alimento que le habia colocado seguia intacto, alli comence a preocuparme aún mas puesto que ella siempre ha tenido buen apetito, pasadas las 4 de la tarde note que salio de la casa y estaba comiendo montecito , mi papá me dice que esa es la manera natural de ellos limpiar su estómago si hay algo que no este marchando bien, luego de esto se me desaparecido de la vista como por 40 minutos
I went out to work and when I came back I found her sleeping, the food that I had placed on her was still intact, there I began to worry even more since she has always had a good appetite, after 4 in the afternoon I noticed that she left the house and was eating montecito , my dad tells me that this is their natural way to clean their stomach if there is something that is not going well, after this he disappeared from my sight for about 40 minutes
Como no queria comer envie a mi hijo en busca de un poquito de gatarina a casa de mi tía , ella siempre me ha dicho que es mucho mas sano para sus gatos comer gatarina que alimentos cocidos o crudos, efectivamente cuando mi hijo llego a casa y le coloque la gatarina a mi gata comenzo a comer como de costumbre , luego de esto se acosto complacida en su mueble y se quedo rendida
Since he didn't want to eat, I sent my son to look for a little gatarina at my aunt's house, she has always told me that it is much healthier for her cats to eat gatarina than cooked or raw food, indeed when my son came home and I put the kitten on my cat, she began to eat as usual, after that she went to bed pleased on her furniture and was exhausted

Llevo aproximadamente 4 semanas dandole solamente gatarina a Lilic y verdaderamente he notado los resultados y evolución que ha tenido, uno de estos resultados que tanto me encanta es que todas las tardes a las 5 sale a realizar sus necesidades, otra de las cosas es que esta tomando mas agua que antes , y bueno como el agua es salud entonces me parece muy bueno, además se ve mas fuerte su pelaje es mas brilloso y pues duerme por mas tiempo en fin creo que la gatarina cubre todas las necesidades de Lilic y hoy decidi compartir con ustedes esto por si sus mascotas o especificamente gatitos estan presentando algún desajuste alimenticio o estomacal les recomiendo que prueben con gatarina

I have been giving Lilic only gatarina for approximately 4 weeks and I have really noticed the results and evolution that she has had, one of these results that I love so much is that every afternoon at 5 o'clock she goes out to relieve herself, another thing is that she is drinking more water than before, and well, since water is health, so it seems very good to me, also her fur looks stronger and she sleeps longer. In short, I think the cat meets all Lilic's needs and today I decided share this with you in case your pets or specifically kittens are presenting any nutritional or stomach imbalance, I recommend that you try gatarina
Esto ha sido todo por el día de hoy y espero que les guste todas las anecdotas que he vivido con mi pequeña Lilic y que ha quedado marcado para la historia gracias a Hive pero especificamente a esta comunidad que prioriza a nuestras mascotas como parte de nuestra familila, lindo día a todos nos estaremos leyendo pronto. Miauuuuuuu
This has been all for today and I hope you like all the anecdotes that I have lived with my little Lilic and that has been marked for history thanks to Hive but specifically to this community that prioritizes our pets as part of our family Nice day everyone we will be reading soon. Meowuuuuuu
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