[ESP|ENG] My White Wolf

in Hive Pets3 years ago



Hola apreciada comunidad de Hive Pets, hoy quiero contarle de mi perro llamado Lobo, algunos de ustedes ya lo conocen y saben que es un perro que rescate hace unos meses.


Hello dear Hive Pets community, today I want to tell you about my dog named Lobo, some of you already know him and know that he is a dog that I rescued a few months ago.


En esta ocasión voy a hablarles de la personalidad de Lobo, después de su recuperación el se me escapaba en horas de la mañana y en la noche, yo pensaba que era por venir de la calle, que equivocado estaba, antes de que se volviera escapar, decido sacarlo a pasear y desde ese entonces no se volvió a salir de nuestro hogar, él me enseño lo educado y aseado que es, y el cómo lo debía tratar.
This time I am going to talk about Lobo's personality, after his recovery he would run away from me in the morning and at night, I thought it was because he came from the street, how wrong I was, before he escaped again, I decided to take him for a walk and since then he never left our home, he taught me how polite and neat he is, and how I should treat him.


Lobo cambio la vida a toda mi familia, nuestra rutina, salidas y forma de pesar, cuando se me escapo el primer día, nos pusimos tristes pensando que no volvería, gracias a Dios regreso cansado y en compinchado con los perros de la comunidad.
Lobo changed the life of my whole family, our routine, outings and way of grieving, when he escaped the first day, we were sad thinking that he would not return, thank God he came back tired and in cahoots with the dogs of the community.


El salir a pasear con él, me llenan de alegría y tranquilidad, con orgullo veo como las personas y niños, al verlo dicen: ¡mira un lobo blanco! Y sonriendo me recuerdo de mi gente de Hive.
Going for a walk with him fills me with joy and tranquility, with pride I see how people and children, when they see him, say: look at a white wolf! And smiling I remember my people of Hive.

WhatsApp Image 2021-07-05 at 2.01.05 PM.jpeg

Les cuento que Lobo es algo tímido, porque cuando lo iba a fotografiar tomaba una aptitud de sentir pena, en verdad se creo una bonita amistad entre él y yo. El se alegra mucho en las mañanas porque ya sabe que es hora de salir, aunque en mi casa no tenemos un collar y cadena para él, le improvise una cuerda, la cual, al vérmela en la mano, se le nota la felicidad dando saltos a mi alrededor.
I tell you that Lobo is a little shy, because when I was going to photograph him he took an attitude of pity, in truth a beautiful friendship was created between him and me. He is very happy in the mornings because he knows it's time to go out, although in my house we don't have a collar and chain for him, I improvised a rope for him, which, when he sees it in my hand, you can see his happiness jumping around me.


En esta fotografía que le tomé, le pude captar una posición especial, y como todo lobo, mira el cielo para poder aullar, aunque sé que es un mestizo, robo nuestro corazón y ya tiene un lugar en nuestro hogar, solo el gato de mi esposa se resiste a sus encantos, pero sé que poco a poco Lobo se lo va a ganar.
In this picture I took, I could capture a special position, and like any wolf, he looks at the sky to howl, although I know he is a mongrel, he stole our heart and already has a place in our home, only my wife's cat resists his charms, but I know that little by little Lobo will win him over.


Las fotografías son tomadas por mi.
The photographs are taken by me.

Separadores elaborados por mi en PowerPoint a partir de una imagen de Pixabay
Separators elaborated by me in PowerPoint from a picture of Pixabay

Thank you for reading



Lobo is a beautiful dog. I love the color of his fur. The dogs identify the chain or rope that is used to walk them and they really get excited. What a funny thing about Lobo that he feels sorrow when he sees the camera, definitely every animal has a unique personality.

Thank you, yes I love his coat color and he is very affectionate and docile at home we love him.

Que hermoso es lobo, es increíble todo lo que nos pueden enseñar los perros. Ese vínculo que ahora tienes con él será por siempre, así pasa.

En verdad hemos aprendido mucho de él, y cada dia lo queremos mas.

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