I exclaimed - 'I'm not a cat person, I love birds!'
Well, that's what I told my son when I learnt the truth.
Last year in January he announced that hubby and I are going to become grandparents. Our initial excitement turned to dismay when we were told the grandchild's name was Poe. Of course, we knew who Poe was - certainly not a human grandchild, no, he is of the feral kind!

They were emigrating, and not only was the cost to emigrate Poe astronomical but they would also not be allowed to have him stay in their apartment.
'Well, Poe will just have to learn not to kill my garden birds, or else I'm taking him to the SPCA' was my response!
And so we became Cat Grandparents, did not want it on our conscience if they could not find another home for Poe, and be forced to take him to the SPCA!
This is what my lawn used to look like - food heaven for any cat! I had to stop feeding the birds, much to my annoyance.
Unwanted 'gifts' would land on my carpet from time to time, and Poe would be scolded for killing an innocent little bird. We bought bells of all sizes, hoping it would warn the birds, but that did not help at all; he strikes at lightning pace!
I think he knows by now that I'm not impressed by this kind of gift, so I don't have many of that kind anymore. Perhaps he's bored with that game?
He has brought in a Shrew, something I did not even know we had here. His regular prey now is the poor little Geckos, who actually do a good job of catching pesky mozzies. I wish Poe would rather go on a hunting spree and kill them!
That must be why there's a population explosion among the Mosquitoes, I'm just kidding of course! We've had a lot of rain and it's been hot and humid, some of my plants 'catch' water and store it, the perfect breeding ground for mozzies. We also live close to a stream and the municipality no longer does its annual spraying where there's stagnant water. So, the mozzies are out every night humming and buzzing, not my favorite chorus! I turn on the aircon most nights, close the windows and at least have a peaceful night!
Back to Poe - he's become my little tail and follows me wherever I go. I vowed that I would never forgive him if he brought in unwanted 'gifts, and for sure would never let him sleep by my feet!
He really thinks he's the boss, very demanding especially when he wants a treat. He waits around the corner for me when I go to the bathroom or blocks my way, and gets very upset if I don't head in the direction of where I serve him his treats!
Poe often tries pinning me down when I ignore him in my busyness as if he's trying to tell me to slow down and give him some attention!

Here he's giving me a dirty look as if to say he's found a friend, someone who doesn't run around but sits with him as long as he wants!

Poe makes himself at home in many rooms, but now that it's summertime, I don't let him sleep by my feet. He seems to move around and has a couple of favourite spots; in the spare room, and the livingroom, often the verandah, or in summertime on the tile floor, especially when we're having a heatwave.
Poe's box-beds
Funny how cats have a fascination with boxes; when I have a delivery, he comes sniffing around and tries squashing himself into the tiniest boxes.

Poe no longer is a big-time hunter, but for sure thinks he's the king of the castle, and has crept into my heart!
I would not have believed it if someone told me I'd end up with so many cat-photos on my phone! Mr. Poe is a handsome and very contented boy, don't you agree?

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Aw, indeed how handsome is your cat-grandson, Mr Poe!
Haha, yeah. The same as my parents said 😂
You can imagine how spoiled their cat is, who brought so many times unwanted gifts (lizards, birds and living mice - the last time he did that the mouse installed himself in the kitchen furniture and it was a real challenge of several days/weeks to catch it 🤦♀😂)
Oh my word, I can imagine their consternation!
I dread the day he brings in a snake, it better not be wriggling anymore!🐍 He must have had a couple of encounters with them, but is definitely keeping them at bay. Although I've not seen any since we paved the pathways, they must slither among the lush plants! I'm terrified of them even though we've mostly seen non venomous snakes here. I did encounter a night adder once, freaked our, but the poor thing must have gotten an even bigger fright, did nothing to me!
Mr. Poe is simply charming and very handsome.😻 It's amazing how those furry little guys sneak into our hearts and even manage to enslave us sometimes, hehe.
For my Milo there is nothing more fun than a new box for his collection LOL.
He certainly won my heart! And I was the one who said I'm not a cat person. I now understand why people ooh and ahhh when they see a cat😍
He's a charmer and also a real rascal at times😻
Have a good week Eli!
This handsome silky god, makes me swoon looking at him. I love his attitude. His sense of entitlement looks good on him.
Maybe he can take care of potential rodents. Also they are suppose to keep negative entities away.
I have been threatening Marc that I'm getting a cat. He says we shouldn't have any more demons living with us. I say they keep away demons. He says it's because the demons see that someone already has the job.
See Mr Poe makes me want to run out and get a feline friend again. I have had them most of my life.
Talk me out of it will you!
Haha, I'll only remind you about the positives, imagine a little furball to keep you warm on a cold winter's night (or day!)
Poe has such attitude, he really thinks he's king of the castle! But can be so sweet and like a little baby at times. He's very intelligent, a real character🥰
Definitely keeps snakes away, have not seen any since he's been here!
And he's good company, keeps me entertained with all his antics and moods!
Cats are very affectionate. I like dogs better.
A few years ago something similar happened to me. My son went to work abroad and was away for several years. He had two beautiful golden retrievers, beautiful dogs. He told me to take care of them and the dogs became very fond of us. We had them for a long time and they gave us great joy.
Now I live in a place where there are a lot of birds, that is also very nice.
Thank you for sharing dear @lizelle . A big hug from Maracay.
I also preferred dogs, did not like cats but Poe has changed that. I still miss the garden birds, we used to spot many different species.
Poe's a real character!
I don't know what I'll do with him when I eventually sell and move to a smaller place because the places I'm looking at don't allow cats because they roam.
We'll see what happens!
I love watching the birds, enjoy them @irvinc and a hug all the way from Durban, SA!
I'm surprised that you're not allowed to have a cat in your new place.Here, cats are the preferred pets in small spaces like apartments. They say they're very hygienic
Happy day My dear friend.
AHH mr definitely that gangsta cat in neighborhood with that stare in the camera, I can imagine all the things he did.
More like Main character there!
I do love Cats from a long time, had stray one looked and take care of him but migrated somewhere else long ago.
Thinking I'd get one sometime in the future. Gonna learn tricks from Mr Poe grandma.
You're so right, he looks like a real gangsta boss, thinks he's the boss as well!
He's become a good companion.
It is impossible to fall in love with Poe, if he is a beauty.
Congrats on being a correcting but ultimately accommodating grandmother 😆
Hopefully you get a place where the whole family can move in. Sending you @lizelle, a hug and good wishes for the new year, it's never too late for that.
I'm beginning to think I should just stay right where I am, and get my housekeeper to move in when I'm too old to take care of myself, she has offered to do that. I'll miss the open spaces, and none of the secure complexes allow cats, one can have a small dog, but cats roam and that's a problem🐈⬛️
Haha @soyunasantacruz, I think he'd be very popular with the ladies if he wasn't neutered, who could resist such a charmer🫠 Happy new year to you as well, dear @soyunasantacruz💓
In my country it's the other way around, cats are accepted as animals that don't bother, except if they are neutered, but dogs are not.
I hope the family stays together and can take care of everyone.
Poe is such a lovely cat. It’s good that he stopped bringing you gifts! He couldn’t help having the hunter instinct. My cat used to bring me big field mouse, but he knew I didn’t like that at all so he stopped.
It’s nice to have a smart and sweet cat around the house. He collects good energy from nature to spread around the house.
You're so right, he's very smart and sweet, and for sure brings life and good energy to the house.
My employees love him, and even some of my regular guests play with him, so he certainly doesn't lack attention which he loves😍
He must realize I don't like him killing birds, and it rarely happens now, but one can never get that hunter's instinct out, right🫣
Birds are very sensitive and some are actually psychic! They could read my mind!
Even though Poe looks like a hunter, he looks really cute. 😊 I want to adopt a cat soon. I hope he is as magnificent as Poe
He's gorgeous, can be very affectionate too!
What a biography of Mr Poe!
Looks like he succeeded winning your heart!
Doesn't he go after rats or mice?
The little rascal for sure won my heart!
We don't have a problem with that as we don't live in the city itself, perhaps field mice. But he for sure keeps snakes away, have not seen any since we've had him!
Mr. Poe is quite a regal-looking beastie! He is very dapper in his "tuxedo!" 😁
Congrats on being a "grandma!" 😂 LOL
Haha, you're right, it does look like a tuxedo, dapper is an apt description indeed!
He has such attitude, but can be such a sweetie pie at times.
Seems like Poe will be my only grandchild😅
And to think I never was a cat lover🙃
He for sure won my heart🥰
I'm also more of a cat person than a cat person, but life goes around and sometimes we have to adapt. That connection you formed with Poe is a beautiful thing, even if it didn't seem so at first. In the end, those little kittens, with all their mischief and mischief, end up occupying a special place in our hearts, by the way I would say King Poe, instead of Mr. Poe.
Haha, that's what I call him at times! He looks very regal and for sure acts like he's king of the castle.
It took me a while to adapt but he's now part of the family!
You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 ALIVE@lizelle! to your account on behalf of @hafiz34.
A beauty that gentleman! I love how he won you over, nice story ❤️
Delegations welcome! You've been curated by @plantpoweronhive!
Thank you so much @plantpoweronhive 💓
You know, @lizelle? Mr. Poe reminds to a gentleman I know...
Haha, I can just imagine the rivalry if the 2 met, both handsome and wearing white tuxedos😆
I love cats! 😘
Although it's surely not the grandson you were expecting, Poe is so handsome! A very cute chubby guy.
Sadly birds and cats aren't good friends, but maybe in the future Poe will stop hunting them, just maybe... If not, then you will keep enjoying those very unwanted "gifts"
He for sure is a handsome man, the vet also told me he's overweight, had to go on a diet, but he also won that battle! Terrorised me into giving him more food than the vet recommended.
I don't feed the birds any longer, otherwise Poe would have a feast every day. They still come for water though, but he's hopefully losing interest in them!
Thank you for popping in @mandysmoon!
Hope he loses all interest on the birds, and the diet can be difficult but I'm sure he'll make it
Looks like your feline grandson got used to his new home, haha.
That cat is very photogenic, you should photograph him more often.
Haha, he is photogenic for sure, I have tons of photos on my phone :)
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