in Hive Pets2 years ago




Good evening #hivepets community and as I always say hivelovers and hiveectors and visuals here I show you a family friend who, due to things of God and life, is no longer found on this planet called earth, God decided to take him to that huge sky to be part of that unimagined enormous paradise from which we all fear to arrive but it is the only inevitable thing I tell you some time ago this little friend named ROCCO fell ill with a disease caused by ticks and as if that were not enough, later he became ill with the kidneys he began to have kidney problems and He even had surgery, he fought hard for this beautiful noble being to survive until dialysis was performed, but in the end God decided to take him away and well, so I decided to tell you that he was and for me he is still one of the most affectionate members of the Roquito family, as I used to remember. He is a British English bulldog, he was very intelligent, playful and calm as you can see, a very beautiful dog but totally delicate, both his skin And his way of being very tender, his eyes have a look that attracts a lot, as if he were a person, he only needs to talk, but it is not necessary, who has puppies knows that apart from being the most faithful and best company, their little eyes do not need to speak and attitudes say it all and well I hope you liked this little story of AN ANGEL WHO LIVED HERE ON EARTH CALLED ROCCO WHO IS NOW A LITTLE ANGEL OF GOD AND WE WILL ALWAYS LOVE HIM AND WILL LIVE IN THE HEARTS OF THOSE WHO LOVE HIM.

Buenas noches comunidad de #hivepets y como siempre digo hivelovers y hiveectores y visuales aca les muestro un amiguito de la familia que por cosas de dios y la vida ya no SE encuentra es este planeta llamado tierra dios decidio llevarselo a ese enorme cielo a ser parte de ese inimaginado enorme paraiso del cual todos quizas temamos llegar pero es lo unico inevitable les cuento hace algun tiempo este amiguito llamado ROCCO se enfermo por una enfermedad que producen las garrapatas y por si fuera poco despues se enfermo de los riñones empezo a tener problemas renales y hasta fue operado se lucho mucho para que este hermoso ser noble sobreviviera hasta dialisis se le realizo pero ala final dios decidio llevarselo y bueno asi decido contarles que el fue y para mi aun es uno de los integrantes mas afectuosos de la familia roquito como solia recordar es un buldod ingles britanico fue muy inteligente, jugueton y tranquilo como podran ver, un perro muy bello pero totalmente delicado tanto su piel y su manera de ser muy tierno sus ojos tiene una mirada que atrae mucho, como si fuera una persona solo le falta es hablar pero no es necesario quien tiene perritos sabe que ellos aparte de ser los mas fieles y mejor compañia no necesitan hablar sus ojitos y actitudes lo dicen todo y bueno espero les haya gustado esta pequeña historia de UN ANGEL QUE VIVIO ACA EN LA TIERRA LLAMADO ROCCO QUE AHORA ES UN ANGELITO DE DIOS Y SIEMPRE LO AMAREMOS y VIVIRA EN LOS CORAZONES DE QUIEN LO AMAMOS.