in Hive Pets4 years ago

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Un hermoso saludo a todos mis amigos de esta hermosa comunidad, estoy muy feliz de poder compartir con ustedes el día de hoy, el poder ver sus mascotas me llena de alegría y es muy divertido

A beautiful greeting to all my friends of this beautiful community, I am very happy to be able to share with you today, being able to see your pets fills me with joy and is very fun

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El día de hoy con mucha emoción les presento a Kira

Today with great emotion I present to you Kira

Hace aproximadamente 4 meses me dan la noticia que la mami de Kira estaba dando a luz, la emoción invadió mi cuerpo, sabia que estaba por conocer a mi mejor amigo , rápidamente fui a ver a la gata, y ahí estaba mi pequeño retoño acostado muy cerca con sus otros dos hermanos, desde el momento en que lo vi supe que el vendría conmigo, esta muy pequeño para llevarlo conmigo pero no hubo un día en el cual no lo visitara, irlo a ver y notar como iba creciendo para mi era lo mejor, era una emoción y amor que sentía que no encuentro palabras para describirlo, ver como abría sus ojos y la luz le pegaba e inmediatamente los cerraba, ver como empezaba a caminar, sinceramente son recuerdos que guardo en mi corazón

About 4 months ago they gave me the news that Kira's mother was giving birth, the emotion invaded my body, I knew that I was about to meet my best friend, I quickly went to see the cat, and there was my little offspring lying very close with his other two brothers, from the moment I saw him I knew that he would come with me, he is too young to take him with me but there was not a day in which I did not visit him, going to see him and notice how he was growing for me was what better, it was an emotion and love that I felt that I cannot find words to describe it, to see how he opened his eyes and the light hit him and immediately closed them, to see how he began to walk, they are honestly memories that I keep in my heart

Por fin llego el día que tanto estaba esperando, el día que mi pequeño vendría a mi casa, recuerdo que para esos días andaba acomodando todo para su llegada, le hice su propio espacio, limpie, y hasta busque donde poner su comida y agua.

The day I was waiting for so long finally arrived, the day my little one would come to my house, I remember that for those days I was arranging everything for his arrival, I made his own space, cleaned, and even looked for where to put his food and water.

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Al llegar a casa pude notar que se sentía algo apenado, solo se quedaba viéndome y no se movía mucho, era algo gracioso, no me despegue de el, creo que eso nos ayudo a forjar un vinculo , a donde yo iba el iba, si despertaba y yo no estaba empezaba a buscarme por todos lados, por esa razón lo llevaba conmigo a varios lugares, siempre ha sido muy quieto y bien portado, así que nunca fue problema llevarlo conmigo .

When I got home I could tell that he felt a bit sorry, he just kept looking at me and didn't move much, it was something funny, I didn't detach myself from him, I think that helped us to forge a bond, where I was going he would go, yes He woke up and I was not there, he began to look for me everywhere, for that reason I took him with me to various places, he has always been very quiet and well behaved, so it was never a problem to take him with me.

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Even my little but great friend didn't have a name, I really didn't have the slightest idea of ​​what to call him, a very special person for me @josesojo told me "Put Lele", I must admit that I liked him a lot but he didn't convince me so I looked on the internet and I read one that I really liked "Kira" so "Lele" became her middle name, I chose the name Kira because it has a very beautiful meaning "joy" "bright" "shimmering" or "happy" and that name it goes perfect with my dear friend.

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Kira ama comer de todo, es un gato muy comelon, cuando estaba un poco mas pequeño y tomaba leche y se llenaba muchísimo los bigotes y es un recuerdo que guardo con tanto amor porque me hacia reír a carcajadas, ya grande ama comer sardinas, suelo ponerlas en la plancha luego de eso toma muchísima agua, se poner muy feliz cuando le pega el olor de su comida favorita, y verlo feliz me hace aun más feliz a mi así que siempre procuro tenerle su comida lista, y sí , es un pequeño felino muy consentido.

Kira loves to eat everything, she is a very eater cat, when she was a little smaller and drank milk and filled her whiskers a lot and it is a memory that I keep with so much love because it made me laugh out loud, when she was grown up she loves to eat sardines, soil Putting them on the grill after that takes a lot of water, he will be very happy when the smell of his favorite food hits him, and seeing him happy makes me even happier so I always try to have his food ready, and yes, he is a little very spoiled feline.

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Mi amigo es muy juguetón todos los días se la pasa brincando y explorando el patio trasero de mi casa , aun esta creciendo así que esta descubriendo el mundo a su manera, es muy lindo verlo jugar y subirse encima de las cosas

My friend is very playful every day, he spends his time jumping and exploring the backyard of my house, he is still growing so he is discovering the world in his own way, it is very nice to see him play and climb on top of things

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Sin duda alguna la llegada de este pequeño amigo ha sido de bendición en mi vida, siento que es un regalo que no merecía, es mi fiel compañero en los peores días, me llena de alegría, me da tanta paz, cuando me busca y solo se acuesta a mi lado me llena de amor, lo amo tanto me hace extremadamente feliz verlo crecer es están gratificante, es mi pequeña luz en medio de tanta oscuridad

Without a doubt, the arrival of this little friend has been a blessing in my life, I feel that it is a gift that I did not deserve, he is my faithful companion in the worst days, he fills me with joy, he gives me so much peace, when he looks for me and alone he lies next to me fills me with love, I love him so much it makes me extremely happy to see him grow they are gratifying, he is my little light in the midst of so much darkness

Fotos mas reciente mi pequeño Kira

Most recent photos my little Kira

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Amarlo es mi pasión, sin más nada que decir dedo admitir que me divertí muchísimo participando acá, mil gracias por leerme y espero que tengas un hermoso día...

Loving him is my passion, without anything else to say finger admit that I had a lot of fun participating here, thank you so much for reading me and I hope you have a beautiful day ...

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Aun mi pequeño pero gran amigo no tenia un nombre realmente no tenia ni la menor idea de como llamarlo, una persona muy especial para mi @josesojo me dijo "Ponle Lele", debo admitir que si me gusto mucho pero no me convenció así que busque en internet y leí uno que me gusto muchísimo "Kira" así que "Lele" paso a ser su segundo nombre, elegí el nombre Kira porque tiene un significado muy hermoso "alegría" "brillante" "reluciente" o "alegre" y ese nombre va perfecto con mi querido amigo.

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