✨Hola a todos mis queridos amigos de Hive, espero todos ustedes se encuentren súper bien y tengan un bendecido día✨. Hoy nuevamente por esta hermosa comunidad, llena de alegría y emoción porque hoy es el primer cumpleaños de Wanejo, si vieron mis pasados blog, pudieron notar que tengo un conejito muy hermoso, color negro azabache y muy juguetón, el cual hoy se encuentra cumpliendo su primer añito de vida. Así que por favor sigan leyendo y compartan conmigo y Wanejo este día tan especial 💖.
✨Hi to all my dear friends from Hive, I hope all of you are super well and have a blessed day✨. Today again for this beautiful community, full of joy and excitement because today is Wanejo's first birthday, if you saw my past blog, you could see that I have a very beautiful, jet black and very playful bunny, which today is fulfilling its first year of life. So please keep reading and share this special day with me and Wanejo 💖.
Como ya les comenté antes, Wanejo fue mi regalo de cumpleaños, y desde que lo tengo ha sido una experiencia maravillosa, sin duda Wanejo es un conejito muy feliz, tal y como pueden ver en la foto de portada, siempre lo sacamos al parque para que corra, sea libre y juegue, tal y como si fuera un niño, le llevamos su comida y agua, por si se hace su hora de comer, no tengamos que irnos y pueda seguir disfrutando de la naturaleza💖. Siempre trato al máximo de darle una vida plena y amorosa, al igual que mis perritos, recibe un trato amoroso y especial, para mi no son animales, son parte de mi familia, son mis pequeños. Y ver lo rápido que ha pasado el tiempo, que ya Wanejo tiene su primer añito y ver todo lo que ha crecido y aprendido, me llena de nostalgia y mucha felicidad. Por supuesto por ser un conejito, no puede comer dulces, así que decidimos cantarle cumpleaños con un plato de su rica conejarina que tanto le encanta 🥰🤭.
As I mentioned before, Wanejo was my birthday present, and since I have had it it has been a wonderful experience, without a doubt Wanejo is a very happy bunny, as you can see in the cover photo, we always take him out to the park to Let him run, be free and play, as if he were a child, we bring him his food and water, in case it is time to eat, we do not have to leave and he can continue enjoying nature💖. I always try my best to give him a full and loving life, like my dogs, he receives a loving and special treatment, for me they are not animals, they are part of my family, they are my little ones. And seeing how quickly time has passed, that Wanejo is already in his first year and seeing all that he has grown and learned, fills me with nostalgia and a lot of happiness. Of course, because he is a bunny, he cannot eat sweets, so we decided to sing him birthday with a plate of his rich rabbit that he loves so much 🥰🤭.

Sin duda le dimos un día súper especial y diferente a Wanejo, donde lo llenamos de amor y felicidad, estuvo casi todo el día jugando en el parque, compartiendo con sus hermanos Bambi y Polo, hicimos todo lo posible para reunirlo con su novia Sasha y algunos de sus hijos. El primer cumpleaños de Wanejo ha sido maravilloso y especial, para nosotros como su familia darle un día diferente y darle la oportunidad de vivir la increíble experiencia de cumplir años, ha sido muy satisfactorio, pues, aunque la gente diga que son animales, que no entienden, y muchas cosas despectivas, para nosotros ellos son seres de amor y pureza, quienes merecen una vida plena y maravillosa, y es lo que diariamente le entregamos💖.
Without a doubt we gave Wanejo a super special and different day, where we filled him with love and happiness, he spent almost the whole day playing in the park, sharing with his brothers Bambi and Polo, we did everything possible to reunite him with his girlfriend Sasha and some of his children. Wanejo's first birthday has been wonderful and special, for us as his family to give him a different day and give him the opportunity to live the incredible experience of having his birthday, it has been very satisfying, because, although people say that they are animals, that they are not They understand, and many derogatory things, for us they are beings of love and purity, who deserve a full and wonderful life, and that is what we give them daily💖.

Me siento súper súper feliz de compartir este día tan especial con todos ustedes💖. Espero todos hayan podido llegar hasta acá y disfrutaran parte de lo que fue el primer cumpleaños de mi hermoso Wanejo, ✨les mando las mejores vibras y muchas bendiciones✨. Nos leemos en un próximo blog🤍.
I feel super super happy to share this special day with all of you💖. I hope everyone has been able to get here and enjoy part of what was the first birthday of my beautiful Wanejo, ✨ I send you the best vibes and many blessings✨. We will read in a future blog🤍.
Todas las imágenes son de mi propiedad, tomadas con mi Samsung A30🤍.
All images are my property, taken with my Samsung A30🤍.

beautiful bunny. Pampering pets makes them feel special. I had a similar rabbit too and he couldn't hear a bag of treats ringing, because he would run out to where I was so I could give him some and then stay there with me. I think my bunny looked more like a dog than a rabbit. Thanks for sharing this with the community.
Yes mine do that too, he can't hear anything or smell because run at that place😅,he sometimes act like a dog, I think that living with 2 of them, make him be like that and it's so cute🤭.
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