Champagne ♥ ( Eng / Esp )

in Hive Pets2 years ago

¡Hola amigos de hive! hoy quiero dedicarle un post a mi perrita Champagne que lamentablemente murio hoy en la tarde. Ella era una mascota demasiado tierna fiel y noble, las veces que estuvo en problemas con alguna dolencia en su cuerpo por alguna herida ella por mas que le doliera que la curara se quedaba tranquila porque sabia que la estaba ayudando y nunca intento morderme, le gustaba acompañarme todos los dias sin aburrirse, si yo de mi habitacion salia a la cocina o la sala mil veces ella mil veces dejaba lo que estaba haciendo y me acompañaba, era como tener un pikachu 😌😪 y es increible lo sola y callada que se siente la casa.

Hello friends of hive! today I want to dedicate a post to my little dog Champagne who unfortunately died this afternoon. She was a pet too tender faithful and noble, the times she was in trouble with some ailment in her body for some wound she no matter how much it hurt her that I cured her she stayed calm because she knew I was helping her and never tried to bite me, she liked to accompany me every day without getting bored, if I from my room went out to the kitchen or the living room a thousand times she a thousand times left what she was doing and accompanied me, it was like having a pikachu 😌😪 and it is incredible how lonely and quiet the house feels.

champagne sombrero.jpg

Ella en realidad era la mascota de mi prima pero hace unos 6 años que vivia conmigo porque mi prima se mudo y a donde se mudo no podia tenerla y bueno en realidad era de la familia entera porque siempre estaba en todas las vacaciones en todas las fiestas y reuniones familiares ella estaba acostumbrada a toda la familia y compartia con todos no le gustaba estar sola.

Una de las cosas mas bonitas que me ha pasado es que ella cumplia años el mismo dia de yo, un 19 de noviembre y ya no nos faltaba mucho para que llegara a sus 17 años porque ella ya tenia 16 años.

She was actually my cousin's pet but about 6 years ago she lived with me because my cousin moved and where she moved to she could not have her and well actually she belonged to the whole family because she was always in all the vacations in all the parties and family gatherings she was used to the whole family and shared with everyone she did not like to be alone.

One of the nicest things that has happened to me is that she had the same birthday as me, November 19th and we were not far away from her 17th birthday because she was already 16 years old.


Ella era de raza poodle y bueno nunca me gusto esa raza de perro hasta que la conoci y le agarre cariño, aunque siento que este tipo de perros necesita mucha atención porque ella nunca se acostumbro a estar sola, cuando estaba sola se ponia ansiosa y ladraba hasta que alguien llegara. pero si fueron muchos años de alegria que mi familia pudo comparti con ella y espero este mucho mejor y me perdone por la veces que la regañe por romper la basura 😅😥💔

EllaShe was a poodle and well I never liked that breed of dog until I met her and I got to know her and I got fond of her, although I feel that this type of dog needs a lot of attention because she never got used to be alone, when she was alone she would get anxious and bark until someone arrived. but it was many years of joy that my family was able to share with her and I hope she is much better and forgive me for the times I scolded her for breaking the garbage 😅😥💔



Si tienen mascotas aprovechenlas y compartan mucho con ellas y cuidenlas bien porque el tiempo pasa muy rapido y despues solo queda es solo recuerdos y de verdad que son unos seres que alegran mucho los días en la casa.

If you have pets, take advantage of them and share a lot with them and take good care of them because time goes by very fast and then there are only memories and they really are beings that brighten up the days at home.



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